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In China
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Today Faith is officially ours! She ended up going to bed easy and slept until around 5 am. Steve heard her talking so he got her up to use the bathroom. She's had a few sad moments throughout the day. She seems to shutdown and just close her eyes when she doesn't want to deal with certain situations. At breakfast poor girl got sick but seemed better shortly after.

We took a morning stroll in the park across from the hotel. It's a clear day today and you can see the blue sky. Probably the first time since we've been in China. Faith fell asleep during our walk but woke up once we got back in the hotel. Then later we walked to lunch. The kids got to ride little character rides and we ate at Burger king to change things up. The menus here are not the same as the one back home and they didn't have a cheeseburger on the menu.

After a short nap we headed back to the civil affairs office to finalize the adoption. The girls had fun playing in the play room and we got our first laugh and some big smiles. Now we are back relaxing before we head off to dinner. Tomorrow we will visit the orphanage and finding sites.

Miss you Conor, Parker, Chase and Zoe! 10 more days!

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