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Trip to China
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another day with a sick family member….poor Mike he rarely gets sick at home. He woke out of a deep sleep to toss his cookies – we don’t know if it is the nasty little virus that is going around or food poisoning. But he was pretty much out of commission again today so we laid low and hung out close to the hotel.

We did the girls traditional red couch pictures today. There were a few tears (yes, Lauren was one of those crying) but otherwise it went well. XiXi had a professional photographer on hand and at the end of the night all of us we given two beautiful 8x10” prints, One picture of the girls on the couch and one of the whole group (minus Kim who is still sick in bed). Honestly it’s like the office or a daycare; we just keep recycling the same germs/virus’s within the group.

On the positive side, the “ancient Chinese secret” smelly medicines appear to have helped our girl. Just one not so great diaper today, but her mood was much better so I think she’s on the upswing.

We are all ready to go home. Normally a China adoption trip is about 14 days or less. Due to the holidays our trip is 17 days. Doesn’t sound like much more, unless you are seriously missing your own bed, foods and the ability to drive.

Tomorrow we will take visit the U. S. Consulate to have our swearing in and then we are hopping on the bus to return to Hong Kong where we will have one overnight stay before our trek back to the states. Thank God!

Keeping the posting short for today, there’s packing to be done. Have a great day all!

Checking out the view with Ba Ba

Hold on, I'll be ready as soon as I put on some mascara!

Our beautiful girl

The traditional RED COUCH shot -
Kaeli, Maya, Grace, Katie, Joanna, Tess and Lauren.

The group in front of the beautiful waterfall at The White Swan Hotel

Our family

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