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About Us

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step."  ~Chinese Proverb

Our Journey to Adoption
There’s a point in most relationships when you are dating awhile and things are starting to get serious and the inevitable question comes up….”so, do you want to have kids one day?” From day one, we were in agreement that we wanted nothing more than to be parents one day; we discussed having our own biological child and the possibility of expanding our family through adoption. Fast forward some years later, we were married for 2 years and the baby itch had started. We tried on our own for the obligatory 12 months before seeking medical assistance. After some unsuccessful treatments, we had the revelation that maybe God had a different plan for us and that we should skip the first part of our plan and move onto the second....adoption.

In September of 2005 we visited with several agencies and contemplated our options…and boy were there a lot of options! Domestic vs international adoption? Once we considered the chance of a birth mother changing her mind after a child was placed with us, that was immediately striken from the list of options. Next decision – which country would we adopt from? At that time, there were many programs from China, Russia, Guatemala, Vietnam, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Korea and Romania. After careful consideration of the general health of the children, the length of wait time until referral and the steadiness of the programs, we found ourselves drawn to the China program. We attended an informational meeting for China adoptions; where we met a couple who just returned with their 2nd daughter. After hearing about their experiences and meeting those precious children, we drove home giddy because we knew that China was the fit for us. We signed on with an agency and quickly got started on the required education courses, police clearances, state certifications, homes study paperwork etc… Our official Log In Date with China was 2-16-06. At that time, the wait from the dossier being logged in with China until referral of a child was about 8 months. We were told this could slow down a bit, but we were never expecting to wait almost 3 years!

A Common Link
We’ve been blessed in meeting some really great families who are also in process of adopting from China during out wait. One couple in particular, Pat & Ellie, came into our lives on day one of our adoption education classes and since then we have built a true friendship. They have provided so much support over these past 30+ months; and we are so grateful to have them in our lives. Ellie and I have big plans for the future with Tess & Lauren (most that involve LOTS of shopping, LOL).

Lauren has a great big extended family who is so excited to meet her. From our siblings, to aunts and cousins, she is already so loved. Our parents have shared in every delay and disappointment that we have experienced in this process, which we are really grateful for. We can’t wait until the first time they get to meet their grand-daughter! We have also been very blessed during the wait for Lauren, with many new additions to our family. We have four beautiful nephews and can’t wait to see Lauren with them in the future. Christmas’s are never going to be the same in this family!

Denice's Mom, Grammy

Mike's parents, Poppie and Nonna

Mike's grandparents - Nan & PopPop

Our 2007 Caribbean vacation with Pat & Ellie - something we can't wait to do again with Lauren & Tess


Jackson celebrating his 1st birthday in 9/08

Our little bubble boy, Kai, born 8/08

Ryan, age 5, is such a proud big brother! Justin, our newest addition was born in 9/08

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