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We're Home
January 11, 2009
  |  March 20, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

AHHH, it sure is good to be home!

The flight home was not too bad. We managed to get our seats rearranged so Mike & I could sit in the same row. Lauren was like Velcro and decided that my lap was the place to be. She didn’t sleep; so needless to say, Mike and I were awake for the whole 14.5 hours home too. Thanks to the pacifier & the almighty cheerios she wasn’t too much of a terror, though she did have some pretty loud breakdowns when I got up to use the facilities or stretch my legs. Thank God most people had their headphones on so we didn’t get too many dirtylooks.

Upon arrival in Newark, we had to pass thru Immigration and then Customs; we handed the Immigration officer our sealed brown envelope& waited while he checked some paperwork, stamped some documents and then officially welcomed Lauren as a new U.S. citizen. Then we were off to claim our luggage & for Lauren to meet her first family member – Poppie. It was so good to see family! It took Lauren the drive home to warm up but once we were in our house, Poppie got the smiles from our girl. He was in! Nonna was waiting back at the house for us while Poppie made the long drive to Newark. Lauren was not so set on her on that first meeting but has since spent more time with Nonna and is loving her bunches. Nonna has a gift for buying just the right fun toys & Lauren has a ball playing& laughing with her!

Lauren also got to meet some of my family. My mom, brothers, sister in law Leah, nephews Kai & Ryan and my cousins Deb, Alan and Stephanie came to visit. Lauren took to the woman very well & soon we heard giggles as she played up to them. The men…not so much – though she did start to warm up to Uncle Steve who engaged her in a game of jingle ballrolling. Lauren has a lot of fun with her Grammy & even went to visit Grammy at her office one day. It just melts my mom’s heart that Lauren lifts her arms to her to be picked up. I think it’s safe to say that Lauren will have many many fun times with both of her grandmothers in the years to come!

Valerie was the first to come welcome Lauren to the neighborhood and was even kind enough to bring us a recipe to make chicken congee here at home. Meredith was the first friend to meet Lauren &we are all looking forward to introducing Lauren to her girls soon. There are still many more family members & friends to know and we look forward to when everyone finally gets to meet our girl.

Lauren’s bonding with Mike has been improving too. She trusts him enough to sit on his lap for her nebulizer treatments and likes to climb on him like a jungle gym. I think the change of scenery has done her some good! She still prefers me when it’s bedtime but we are hopeful that will change soon too.

Barkley came home two days after us. Lauren was not sure what to make of the furry creature that kept sniffing her and she would whine whenever he came near. A week later, they co-exist quite nicely. Barkley likes to stay nearby his girl and they often just hang out together. He likes to steal a lick once in awhile and Lauren doesn’t even flinch. Too cute. As for Mufasa, he couldn’t care less about her unless she’s crying. Then he just runs for our room &hides under the bed. Lauren likes to watch him walk by but hasn’t made any attempt at petting him or approaching him.

Lauren’s cough and congestion had returned by the time we arrived home. Luckily we were able to get her in with the pediatrician quickly. It turns out that she has a nasty upper respiratory infection. Poor baby! I think she must have had this the whole time we were with her because I could hear the congestion from the first night but neither the clinic we visited nor the doctor’s at her medical exam addressed it. Hmmm, makes ya wonder huh? Anyway, Lauren was put on an antibiotic and a couple of meds administered thru a nebulizer every four hours. She is not a fan of having that mask pressed to her face but she’s being a trooper. She goes back to the dr’s in a couple days so we are hopeful that we’ll be able to stop the breathing treatments soon. Fingers crossed!

This little girl who wouldn’t make an attempt at movement in China has found her legs. I mentioned before that she started crawling around for us on New Years Eve…well as of our first full day home she’s been on the move. Crawling around the house and has even started walking…yes, walking! She’s primarily surfing the furniture & walking with our assistance, but has made several solo attempts as well. Today she took six steps on her own! It’s so cute watching her do her thing. She gets very excited for herself and stops to clap, which is just adorable.

Brave girl getting her nebulizer treatment.

Having a little fun with Grammy, cousin Kai and mommy's cousin Deb.

Lauren finally found her legs!

Lauren loves playing with her Popie & Nonna!

This face was made to be in pictures.

Pretty in pink!
Lauren took to the car seat very well; the first time brought tears but every time since has been pleasant. She also LOVES bath time now; she could stay in the tub forever. I can’t wait to start her on swimming lessons! She has the best time in her booster seat at meals. It has an activity tray on top with little rainforest animals and she just has a ball entertaining herself while I prepare her meals. As for diet, she’s been great about trying new foods and pretty much likes any meat, protein or vegetable that I feed her. Got to love that! She loves peaches and mangos but isn’t too fond of other fruits yet. One thing we need to work on is self-feeding; Lauren does not want to touch her food. She will eat a piece of bread off of a spoon, but will not pick it up on her own if it’s on her tray. Go figure. She also will not attempt a sippy cup yet. So these are things we’ll need to work on.

Lauren is scheduled to start day care next month, which may be more traumatic for me then her. I think she’s going to do great, as she really loves being surrounded by people. We plan on posting one more update after daycare has started and then that will be it for our website updates, as we start our own personal journals for Lauren. Thanks again to everyone who followed along. It was great getting your comments and words of wisdom!

I’ll close with a nice little poem that speaks to my heart. Take care all!

I didn’t give you the gift of life,
But in my heart I know.
The love I feel is deep and real,
As if it had been so.
For us to have each other
Is like a dream come true.
No, I didn’t give you the gift of life,
Life gave me the gift of you.”


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