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Trip to China
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Today the kids had their medical exam to complete the paperwork that is to be submitted to the American Consulate tomorrow. Once we get the OK from the Consulate, the babies Visa’s will be approved for travel and we can get out of here and start on our way home! As long as all works out accordingly tomorrow will be our last day in Guangzhou and then we’ll take a long bus ride back to Hong Kong on New Years Eve, stay overnight and then finally board our plane on New Years Day (China time), thus arriving back in the U.S. on New Years Day (Our time).

The clinic where the exams took place was a 15-minute walk from the hotel. Since it was a Monday morning, and was still very early we got to see tons of little children walking to school. We passed two schools on the way. All of the children wear uniforms, but not the pleated jumper kind that I grew up in; instead they are like track suits. They must have a ton of books too because many were being walked in by their parents or grandparents and they were helping the children carrying big backpacks that were clearly stuffed to capacity. As we passed one of the schools I could hear the children reciting something in unison – reminded me of our kids saying the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each day. It was quite cute to hear all those little voices speaking together.

The clinic where the exams were held was pretty busy. The government provides the healthcare here so I was interested in seeing how many people were just sitting waiting for their time to come to be seen. As for our group, we were ushered into an area that is specific to adoption exams only. The exams were pretty simple; there were three separate stations that we had to visit. One for ears, nose and throat. One for a full body exam, which we found to be little rough. Lauren screamed the whole time like she was being murdered! The last station was for height & weight and according to the technicians; she is 30.7 inches (78 cm) in length and 18.3 lbs (8.3 kg) in weight. At 15 months that’s pretty light but we expected about the same on the height. Lauren is much taller than most of the other babies we’ve met in her age range and it’s all those long skinny legs!

After the exams and a late morning brunch we headed out for more shopping with Pat/Ellie & Tess. The shop workers here are on their game. They have our names memorized and are always telling us how they will “give us best price” as we are “friends”. Too funny. They are pushy but in a pleasant way. For those of you who are soon to travel to Guangzhou – don’t be afraid to barter! You have to check out Sherry’s for the lowest prices and biggest variety of kid’s shoes. Jessica’s will give you a really good deal on the traditional dresses for the girls and Jordan’s has great prices on odds and ends plus the owner “Jordan” is an absolute sweetheart and devote Christian. I had read on other China adoption blogs about Jordan and everything I read is true, so it’s worth a stop into his shop. We had started a conversation with him out in the street early in the morning and told him we would be in later to shop. He had asked about our girl’s names and when we came in later he had made Tess & Lauren their own personalized calligraphy drawing. Very sweet!

On our way back to the hotel, we got to watch some of the local military going thru their drills. These guys mean business!

After another day of shopping, Lauren & I took a late afternoon nap while Mike surfed the web. She appears to feel better this afternoon. Her diaper situation has improved since yesterday, so I’m praying that the “ancient Chinese secret” medicine is doing it’s job.

We went out to dinner at Lucy’s again and Lauren ate so well. Two big bowls of chicken congee and some of my chicken fried rice and sautéed broccoli. She’s been really good at taking her medications too – even though they look and smell really gross. I’m very proud of my girl.

After dinner, we strolled around the city and ended up going back to Starbucks for another caffeine fix. It’s so nice there and as I mentioned before when we are sitting on their porch, it feels more like being in Florida then another country. We all find it very comforting and let’s face it the Starbucks folks were genius’s to put one here!

That’s all to report for today.

The school children look sharp in their uniforms

The exam was torture (not really but Lauren was feeling dramatic today; I wonder where she gets that from?)

XiXi, Mommy & Lauren are all thrilled that the exams are done!

Re-enacting the statues, pretty good huh?

Starbucks - a taste of HOME!

Me & my girl!

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