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Trip to China
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Friday, December 26, 2008

When Lauren woke up today she still had a fever and her little eyes were all red. She wouldn’t eat any congee or rice cereal and she was obviously feeling bad and was super fussy. She did take some formula, but that was expelled just as quickly as it went in. My poor baby. We think there’s a little virus being passed around between all of the babies because at one point or another, they all seem to have this spouts of diarrhea, etc… If the fever continues tomorrow, we will take her to the clinic here in Guangzhou to get checked out.

Despite feeling under the weather, our little girl did very well on her first flight. Mind you it was only an hour or so, but there was no crying to I’ll call it a success. She was pretty darn wiggly though, so I can’t imagine how we are going to survive a 15-hour flight home next week, especially because they have Mike and I in separate rows. Oh my. We are going to see if someone can pull some strings to get our seats changed up. Fingers crossed!

We are staying at The White Swan Hotel on Shamiam Island, right on the Pearl River. It’s a really lovely area, which reminds us all of Florida, with the exception that the river is quite polluted. Apparently years ago, the American Consulate was right across the street so it was a given that adopting families would stay here. The Consulate has since moved, but it still remains a vey popular place to stay. It truly is a beautiful building and we hear the breakfast buffet is to die for, so we’ll have to let you know about that on tomorrow’s post. Our room faces the river and at night the area is all lit up and colorful. Once we were settled in today, we went for a stroll around the area. There are a bunch of little shops where we can buy typical touristy items but we also can use their internet access, leave clothes to be laundered for much less than the hotel fees and borrow (free!) strollers. Of course, the shops do all of this in the hopes that we will buy from them and not the competition but it really is quite nice and all of the shop employees are super friendly and kind and they speak English. That makes things much easier! We went to a shop called “Jessica’s” and borrowed a stroller. We had rented one for one day in Guilin when we went to visit the Buddhist temple and it really didn’t go over too well. We thought we would give it another try to spare our backs and thank the Lord, Lauren actually enjoyed being in it tonight – maybe it was the change of scenery or maybe just the fresh air but either way, we are glad she is content in the stroller! Oh and yes, it is warmer here in Guangzhou, so we are back to the 60’s again, a welcomed relief!

We took the babies to get their visa photo’s today and Lauren howled the whole time so her picture should be pretty funny when we get it – scrunched up face wet with tears. Oh my!

The group was very happy to sit down to an American type meal for dinner at a restaurant called Lucy’s. Those of you who are in the China Adoption process…..remember you must eat at Lucy’s. After all the rice dishes you will need this little touch of “home”. They even have American Apple Pie on the menu. We were too full from our hamburgers (yay!) to get it today, but Mike is planning a trip over there for an afternoon snack of apple pie at some point this weekend.

Tomorrow I will be working with XiXi to complete paperwork for the Consulate and my poor husband is going to have to take a trek off of the island into the city by himself. We tried to use the ATM machine today and put in the wrong code (we can’t read Chinese & their #’s are inverted) so the machine kept our card. OMG! The hotel called the bank and the bank has someone coming out tomorrow to open the machine BUT they won’t give us the card until one of their bank managers verifies Mike’s identity against his passport…and they will only do that in person at their bank, not here at the hotel. Of course, they don’t have a bank branch on the island, so Mike has to take a taxi off the island to the bank and then back again. This should be quite the adventure, LOL!

Mike & his little ladies from last nights show.
He said it was great!

Poor Lauren didn't feel well this morning.
Check out this sad face & red eyes.

Bringing out the giggles while waiting in the airport.

Ahhh the taste of American food!
This is one happy group of travelers!

We were both too pooped to sit up straight!

The view of the Pearl River
from our room at The White Swan

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