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Trip to China
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Saturday, December 27, 2008

OMG – all the rumors are true, The White Swan does have the best French toast! Our day started out rather well. We enjoyed the buffet immensely and Mike swears this place serves the best apple juice he ever had. After breakfast Mike headed out on his bank adventure and got back in one piece. He said that no one spoke English where he was, but he was able to show a card to a taxi driver that the hotel had given him that which gave the driver the destination to return him back here. Lauren and I were with the rest of the “petitioners” completing our consulate paperwork together so Mike got back just in time to scoop her up and take her down to the play room for some floor time. She was kind of grouchy (tired and hungry) so she didn’t enjoy it very much, but it really is a nice playroom. Mattel sponsors the room, so there are lots of toys for babies and younger children to exert some energy and get some exposure to other kids. We met another family from California who have two biological kids and one daughter from China. They are here on vacation and were able to visit their daughter’s orphanage on this trip. Nice!

Lauren & I hung out in the room for most of the afternoon as she needed a major nap and it was drizzling out anyway. While hanging out we received a present from the hotel; it’s a Caucasian Barbie doll holding an Asian baby, called the “Going Home” Barbie. These dolls are not for sale in stores, they are strictly for adoptive parents who stay at The White Swan. Very cute. Ellie and I were cracking ourselves up saying how much we resemble the skinny,“stacked“, blond Barbie mom with her tiny tee shirt, capri pants and open toe high heels. NOT!

The little munchkin appears to feel a little better today. As noted above she’s been really hungry so I guess that is a good sign. Her fever is gone but she still has diarrhea – so gross – these diapers can’t contain it. The housekeeping staff must think we are gross because we’ve had to change the duvet cover three times in two days. Hey – I can’t control it if the Pampers can’t – you know what I mean? It looks like Lauren is back to only wanting me. No matter what Mike does she just cries with him but is happy as a claim as soon as I pick her up. That just breaks his heart. But we have to keep in mind that she didn’t have much exposure to men in her 15 months, so it’s going to take a little longer to bond with him. And of course, I told him that it helps that I have “cushions” for her to lay on so who wouldn’t love that? Lauren is not real fond of strangers either. Some of the babies show no fear but she immediately looks up to me and turns into me if I’m carrying her. From what we’ve been told about the attachment process these are good healthy signs that she is bonding with me. Praise the Lord!

Later in the day, we went to dinner at Lucy’s again with Pat/Ellie/Tess and Jason/Andrea/Joanna. Joanna is the little one that had the hospital visits. I am so very thrilled to report that she is doing very well and her little happy personality is in full force now that she is feeling better. Thank the Lord and thanks to all of you that kept her in your prayers. At dinner, Mike tried the “American Apple Pie” and reports that it is not so great. More like warm mushy stuff between doughy crusts. Oh well, can’t win them all. After dinner we went shopping for Lauren’s “red couch photo” dress & we found one that both Mike and I agreed on. For those of you who don’t know what that is…there’s a set of red velvet couches here in The White Swan and it is tradition for the adoptive families to dress their children in the silk outfits and have group photo’s taken on the red couches. I’m not sure how it started but now everyone does it, so we plan on doing it too! I had originally planned on getting Lauren a traditional Chinese red dress, since it is a color of good luck, but my keen spouse pointed out that she would just blend in with the sofa….well we can’t have that happen so we choose another color that will stand out and should be more “unique” and I think she’s going to look quite lovely. We’ll post a picture in a couple days, so be sure to check back!

I have a confession to make. I have never liked pacifiers. I can’t stand seeing them in kids’ mouths….and I purposely did not buy any for Lauren. One night we were over in Pat & Ellie’s room and Tess wouldn’t take the pacifier that they had given her. Well this little one grabbed it up and LOVES it. Ellie ended up giving her one of her own and well….now she’s pretty much stuck on the Nub. Oh boy! Pat says that it won’t effect her bite and that weaning her off of it won’t be hard, as both of his boys used them…so I’m hoping that is true for Lauren. I caved in because it was giving her comfort and she so desperately needed that comfort with all these crazy changes in her life. Just think two weeks ago we took her away from every sight, sound and scent she has ever known! So, those of you who know me well please try to refrain from giving me a hard time – I’m already beating myself up over it but for now, it just seems “right”.

I would like to ask that you all keep one of our travel mates & her family in your prayers. Kim’s father in law has passed on and obviously she is not able to be at home with her husband and family during this time. Please say a prayer for them that they are comforted in this time of sorrow.

Boy, she looks JUST like me!

Dinner with the gang, yay chicken congee!

Oh yay, it's bedtime,
but Lauren's just getting revved up!

As soon as BaBa comes over Lauren turns into "Stitch"

Playing peek-a-boo with the covers

So tired out!

Well, we only have 4 more days in China – it’s really hard to imagine that we’ve already been here two weeks. In some respect it feels like it’s been months and in another it feels like this little blessing was just put in our arms yesterday. We just can’t wait for you all to meet her and see her sweet smile. Good night all!

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