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Trip to China
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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Lauren is not feeling well again. She started with diarrhea (TMI ? Sorry! ) this afternoon and now she has a fever. I’m giving her Tylenol every 4 hours but she’s still burning up, so I’m keeping a close eye on her. We are flying to Guangzhou tomorrow so I need my peanut to be ok. Prayers needed!

Mike is feeling much better; it appears the Z-pack has already kicked in, thank the Lord! He & Pat are out tonight with the rest of the group attending a minority cultural dance / acrobatic show. We’ve heard that it’s very good, so I hope he’s enjoying it. He’s a big Cirque fan, so if they do a couple fancy moves, he should come home happy.

Today we took a trip to view Camel Mountain, aptly named because well….the mountain looks like a camel. There you have it! It was cool and again, I was struck by the number of people just out and about enjoying the outdoors. I think I mentioned before that the parks have these great paths thru them and it’s all so clean and lovely. Really, everywhere is really clean. A couple people in our travel group have noticed that there is no litter in the streets, whether it’s a tourist trap or just a side street we cut down when out and about. The people here take great pride in keeping themselves and their homes/business’s very tidy. If it weren’t for the foggy air it would be spotless here! Anyway, the Li River runs thru Guilin and there are exercise stations scattered along the riverfront. It’s amazing to see 40 or so people just working out on elliptical type equipment gazing out to the water. Most are in suits or regular street clothes because they just took a break and wanted some “fresh air”. It really is interesting to see.

We also took a trip to a gallery today where a third generation well-known local artist gave us a demonstration on water painting. It was really amazing to watch his effortless strokes turn out a beautiful picture in a matter of minutes. The curator explained that the Chinese often use bamboo in art not only because it’s a symbol of good luck, but also because it signifies being “upright” as the Chinese people are very resilient with integrity (like the bamboo plant). Maybe it’s just me, but I love knowing the “how’s” and “why’s” to this kind of stuff! This artist’s specialty is traditional Chinese calligraphy so we had him paint Lauren’s Chinese name on rice paper, which we will frame once home.

After the gallery we took a trip to see some of China’s cutest natives – the pandas! They were so adorable. One of them was a dirty big guy and he was having a ball rolling down a hill, eating corn on the cob and scratching his butt against the ground. I wanted to take one home but I don’t think I could afford to feed him.

We had our last group dinner here in Guilin tonight. We went to another hotel for this dinner and let me just tell you that it was not at all like our Christmas dinners at home! Mike’s main staples were rice and some pineapple dish. I stuck with rice and roasted eggplant. It’s a safe bet that this Christmas is one that we will never forget & we will never fail to appreciate turkey again, even if it’s as dry as paper.

Later on XiXi brought Mike and some of the others in our group a little present – Kentucky Fried Chicken! He was very happy to have some yummy fries and “real” chicken again.

We received the kid’s passports today, so now we are clear to fly. We’ll spend the next 5 days in Guangzhou completing paperwork, getting medical exams for the babies and finalizing everything so that Lauren is a U.S. citizen when she crosses customs in Newark next week.

Well, we hope Santa treated you all well. Again, sorry to hear you are having such stinky weather at home, that is never fun for the holidays, but at least you have each other and that’s really all that matters! As for us, we are thrilled to finally have this little angel that we have dreamt of for the past 3 years. Stinky food & illness’s aside, we are truly blessed!


Loosely translated means – holy ones birth, get happy now – our equivalent of MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Our whole group in front of Camel Mountain

Check out this big guy!

Afternoon "naked baby" play date with Tess

Tess & Lauren are so cute in their matching outfits that Ellie bought them.

Christmas dinner

Nobody works a santa hat like this kid!

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