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Trip to China
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mike woke up feeling horrible today; he tried to eat some breakfast but couldn’t even get thru the meal and then spent the rest of the day in bed. He’s got a fever, sore throat, aches, etc…maybe a cold, maybe more? We aren’t quite sure what it is. One of our travel mates found a pharmacy and picked up a Z-pack for him just in case so he has started on that. We are making an extra effort to keep him hydrated.

One of the activities today was a trip to Reed Flute Cave, which is supposed to have some of the most amazing rock formations, stalagmites & stalactites in all of Asia. I chose to skip this outing, as it would be hard to navigate in a cave with the baby & backpack by myself. But I heard it was indeed very cool. The group returned after they had lunch and then Lauren & I joined them for a trip to Elephant Trunk Hill, which rests on the western bank of the Li River. The rock formations resemble an elephant drinking water from the river. If any of you have seen the Sesame Street movie called “Big Bird Goes to China”, you may recognize this spot from the movie. There’s a park & walking path surrounding this area and it was very pretty.

Afterwards we went to a pearl market, where I treated Lauren & myself to a little “something-something”. It was actually a really interesting trip because upon arrival we were given a tutorial on how the pearls are harvested and then sat for a “fashion show” type presentation were beautiful girls in gowns walked a catwalk modeling some of the pearl choices. The place was huge and offered tons of options from “reasonable” to “whoa – who can afford that?”. And yes, of course, I was the last one to leave the store; everyone else was waiting on the bus to go back to the hotel. XiXi laughed at Ellie and I and said, “you ladies really like to shop”. Yup – you said it sister! The afternoon would have been totally pleasant had Lauren not peed thru her diaper and all over my lap, but hey that just meant more tub time for her as soon as we got back, which by the way she is starting to really like. You are probably sick of hearing it but thank God for those stacking cups…now she just sits in the tub filing and dumping those cups, what fun!

Once my little angel was all cleaned up we headed off to our Christmas Eve dinner with the group (minus Mike). I was surprised to find out that Christmas is very big here in China. There were fireworks set off after dark and everything! At our hotel, they hosted a big celebration with a (skinny) Santa Claus and had live music with a lovely choir of children singing carols in Chinese. In one part of the hotel they offered some sort of fancy-shmancy dinner that was packed! As for our group, we were ushered off to another part of the hotel for a “western” dinner menu. The only things I recognized were rice and steamed egg, which it was what Lauren & I had. Tonight’s selections were a far cry from our usual Eve favorites and quite frankly it was a bit of a bummer and we all left feeling a bit empty – our stomachs and our hearts. It’s hard being away from our families at Christmas. One of the mom’s in our group, Kay, graciously invited the group to “her place” after dinner for hot chocolate and Christmas cheer. Not only did she have coco, but also lyrics to Christmas songs and a small Christmas tree. Earlier in the day, she had the older kids make ornaments out of paper & crayons to decorate it. Too cute! Another person in our group had brought along a Christmas version of Trivial Pursuit. We sang carols and tried to guess the answers to the trivia (not as easy as you may think), ate some sweets and just hung out and had some laughs. Lauren had fun interacting with the other kids too. At the end of the night, Kay read the story of Jesus’ birth from the bible and I think we all got a little misty eyed. It was really nice and sweet of Kay to open her “home away from home” to us all and it was truly needed!

So that’s today’s news. Please send positive energy our way….Mike needs to get back to himself so he can enjoy this precious time in our daughter’s home land and NOBODY wants to be sick for Christmas!!!

Oh and as for the baby in our group who is sick - she had to go back to the hospital again today for I.V. fluids. This is so hard on her little body and her parents sanity. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

We are truly looking forward to next Christmas when we are home celebrating with all of you, our family and friends. Please know that we are carrying you in our hearts and wish you all a wonderful day. We hope you get lots of great presents too. As for us, we got the BEST present we could ever wish for!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Pretty in pink on Christmas Eve!

Momma & Lauren hanging out with Aunt Ellie at Elephant Trunk Hill

The lovely choir

Relaxing after a meal

Lauren loved hearing all the carols!

Grace & Mahli are very proud of their beautiful ornaments!

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