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Trip to China
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Friday, December 19, 2008

Today we experienced many “firsts”.


• Had her first poopie diaper (two today!!!)

• Finally drank water; which she had previously refused to do.

• Sat on a blanket on the floor and entertained herself with her toys.

• Held her hands up to Mommy when she wanted to be picked up.

• Grabbed Daddy’s finger and held on tight. The past couple of days she would not let us touch her hands at all.

• Had her first “real” bath in the tub and it went pretty well. Again, thank God for those stacking cups, they kept her busy so the tears didn’t come.

So over all it was another step in bonding with our daughter and in her accepting us.

Our little monkey is a pro at fake crying…. the kind where she sounds really sad but we can see her kind of scrunch up her face and look out of the corner of her eyes to see if we are still paying attention or not. And she’s got a whole bunch of teeth, about 12 of them. I nicknamed her “Stitch” as in the alien from “Lilo and Stitch” the Disney movie because when she scrunches her face up with those little sharp teeth & big eyes of hers she looks just like him. It’s really quite funny.

Some of you have asked about her size. For the most part she’s been wearing size 12 months. Some of the items are a bit baggy on her still, as she is a skinny little thing. Her legs are pretty long. We don’t have an official current weight on her yet, as her medical exam won’t occur until the 29th. We think she weighs about 20 lbs, though our backs are showing signs of her weighing closer to 100 lbs. We are so sore at the end of the day, I can only hope that carrying her around helps firm up my arms! So far she has not even attempted to walk, much less crawl. The other babies in our group, who are younger, are already crawling around, but Lauren will have none of it. She wants to be carried everywhere and wants to be cheek to cheek. So today we tried sitting a couple feet away from her to see if we could get her to crawl to us and it was not a success. She kind of did some sort of rolling sideways thing until she was close. I will say that this child is pretty darn talented. As noted above she does not want to exhaust herself with crawling. When she was sitting on my lap she wanted some of her stacking cups. I wouldn’t hand them to her. trying to get her to crawl to them. Instead she stretched out her body as much as possible, then maneuvered her foot to flip the cups over & then stuck her foot into the cup, then bringing it up to her chest where she plucked the cups off with her hands. She did this with 3 cups. I’m amazed! I think it beats Molly Ringwald being able to put on her lipstick from her cleavage any day!

As noted yesterday, we went into the main shopping area of Nanning today to visit Wal-Mart. It was quite the experience. The trees were draped with red paper lanterns, which was just beautiful. There were bikes everywhere, manual& electric. There were huge lots on the main street to park – there had to be thousand per lot just packed in there. People zoom in and out of traffic; it really was interesting to watch. Some people had huge packages tied to their bikes, some with children just sitting there – no harness, no helmet. Trying to cross the road is like being in the video game “Frogger”…start to walk, back up so you don’t get hit, shift left, short run, stop before getting hit, etc…The stores were packed with people, more people then I’ve ever seen anywhere. According to XiXi, our facilitator, there are more than 5 million people in Nanning. I think I saw 3 million of them today.The volume of voices in the stores was deafening…just a constant “buzzing” of all the people talking. It was mid-day on a Friday and yet every store was packed like King of Prussia Plaza at Christmas (x’s 100). I found the fashions to be very fascinating, lots of women in boots. High heeled, funky bling-bling on them, sassy boots. Worn with everything in every color. We went into a department store that literally must have had 5000 boot options for sale. I’ve never seen anything like it. We went to McDonald’s for lunch but Mike and I weren’t brave enough to try any meat items so we had fries and soda. The fries tasted just like home! I stopped in the bathroom and got to see my worst fear – the squatty potty – OMG, I couldn’t do it, but had to get a picture, which I am sharing with you. LUCKY YOU, LOL!

Riding the escalator in Wal-Mart
(yes, the carts go up with you too!)

Anyone want us to bring home some freeze dried chickens (yes with heads!)

My worst fear - the dreaded "squatty potty".

Is that Brad & Angelina? Nope, just Pat & Mike making quite the spectacle of themselves.

It's amazing that children just hang out on motor bikes here, no helmets, no straps. Scary!

Just perfect!
Out on the street, we were the main attraction. Nanning does not see many tourists or westerners so the site of 17 Americans with Chinese babies peaked everyone’s interest. People actually stopped walking and just stood there pointing at us and talking about us. At one point there was around 20 or so people doing it. Now I know what the gorillas feel like at the zoo! XiXi told us that another reason we were so interesting was because all of the fathers in our group had the babies in carriers and Chinese fathers would never do that, as it is traditionally the mothers or grandmothers job to care for children.

Well I’ve rambled enough for today; it’s time to TRY to get some sleep. To everyone that has written – thank you so much – we love reading the messages. Wish there was time to answer each one personally but you know how that goes…

Mom /Deb – thanks for sending updates on my fur balls. I miss them so much!

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