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Trip to China
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day 4 of life with Lauren and it has been one step forward, two steps back. Unless I’m holding her she wails. Today she definitely prefers her time with me, which makes Mike feel awful. When I walk out of her sight she freaks out. She pretty much has cried all day except for when she was eating. She’s teething and the Orajel, teething toys and cold rags don’t seem to sooth her. She chomps her teeth together so hard, she sounds like a horse’s hooves clacking. While all the other babies in our group seem to be opening up every day, Lauren seems to be shutting down with rare glimpses of a happy baby. It just breaks our hearts. Please keep her in your prayers.

Today’s activity was a trip to Nanning’s People’s Park. This is a huge park with all kinds of things going on. It has winding paths that surround a lake with beautiful structures and a really cool zing zag bridge, pagodas, amusement parks, etc… The people of China take exercise and communing with nature and friends very seriously. The people just enjoy themselves. We saw old men playing cards, groups of people playing instruments or singing together; some with microphones! There were groups of women doing Tai Chi and couples dancing to live music. Children were everywhere. I’ll tell you, these people adore children! There were so many activities for the children to do in this park and it’s all free. There were roller coasters and bumper boats and these giant plastic bubbles that the kids were zipped into and could roll around on the water (think hamster ball). The kids were having a blast. I think Americans would live much happier and fulfilled lives if we made sure to get outdoors each day and do fun things with friends and neighbors like the people of China do! OH and I can’t forget to mention the little ones who were being “potty trained”. In China it’s traditional for babies to wear split pants so when they need to go they can just pop a squat and do their thing. We saw many little ones just step to the side of the path and do just that. Too cute, little buns everywhere!

There was a group of older men standing in a group, with big calligraphy brushes and they were using water to “paint” poems on to the walkways. They invited Mike to join them too. Then one of them showed us a proper poem, which translated to “no matter who we are, no matter where we live, across the ocean or anywhere we are all of one earth, one truth”. Very nice sentiment!

Later in the evening we went to dinner with Ellie/Pat/Tess and Ro/Tom/Grace and our guide XiXi. Our 3 families met on day one of our adoption process in 2005 and as most of you know Ellie & Pat are now like family. We were ecstatic when we found out that Lauren and Tess were in the same orphanage and are around the same age. Anyway, XiXi ordered up some local favorites, which included some noodle dishes, different kinds of rice, tofu selections and lastly roasted pigeon. Yup pigeon! And it was the whole bird – head and all – freshly deceased and chopped into pieces with some tea leaves. I was not brave enough to try it but did everything else & it was all pretty yummy. Mike even tried some dish with bamboo shoots. Those of you who know him will know that is a HUGE deal! So that was a cool experience.

Tomorrow we are heading to another park that’s supposed to be very famous in this part of China, so you’ll hear all about it on our next update.

Our little one is grinding teeth like a woodpecker on a tree, so I’m off to snuggle & see if I can calm her down.

Goodnight all, we send our love from the continent of Asia. Hard to imagine that we have another 11 days until we come home. It feels like it’s already been weeks.


Mike is doing his thing "PA" style!

The real deal!

Name that tune!

Such a sad girl today

Yum, anyone want some pigeon???

Dinner Chinese style

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