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Trip to China
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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ni Hao! Today was another crazy day. Lauren was feeling ill last night, with chest congestion and a nasty cough. I emailed her pediatrician at home and got some advice & reassurance that I was treating it correctly but even so I didn’t sleep a wink. Seriously…not even 10 minutes. I am the walking dead today and can’t wait until this little one has finally drifted off. As I type, Mike is doing the stroll back & forth in the room to try to get her calmed down for sleepy time. As soon as she’s in that crib, we are going to crash!

We had another busy morning of being bused around to do more paperwork. We had to be up and out early to complete more paperwork, then headed to meet with the Guangxi Civil Affairs Office and Lauren’s Orphanage Director to confirm that “yes indeed, we do promise to love and take care of this child and no, we will not abuse or abandon her”. After a short personal interview, many signatures and red ink thumb prints from us/right foot print from Lauren; they held a short ceremony where we were presented with a gift from her caretakers and then we presented her caretakers with gifts from the U.S.A. We were ecstatic that the orphanage made sure to include an item that is so valuable to us. Long story short her birth mother had left a special item with Lauren the day she was abandoned. There is significance to this item, which proves how strongly her birth mother loved her. Lauren was the only child adopted in our group who was abandoned with a “gift”. Being left with a link (for lack of a better word) to your birth mother is a rare in Chinese abandonment & we are just so thankful to have this to share with Lauren one day when she is older and can fully recognize the significance of it all.

We were also able to take a moment to speak with Lauren’s caretakers. The translations were rough but we got an idea of how they prepared her food and bottle schedules. It saddened me to see her first smile since coming into our family break out at the first sight of them as she arched her body away from me towards her favorite nanny. I didn’t know if it was “right or wrong”, making matters better or worse, but I did allow her nanny one last cuddle with Lauren. Oh the tears! It was so clear how much she was truly cared for while under this women’s supervision. Unfortunately it was very hard for Lauren to see the all again, and she mourned for hours afterwards.

But with this sadness came some gladness as the day went on…

Lauren finally took a bottle from me and swallowed it so quickly that Mike was scrambling to make up a second bottle in record time. She had not eaten or had any liquids (other than Motrin) since we had her. So I was over the moon happy that she was getting some nutrition. She ate two bowls of pork congee (a rice & water concoction that is very popular in China) and some steamed eggs, as well as some spaghetti today. Lauren has allowed both Mike and I to feed her by spoon today. As for the bottle feedings, they are all mommy Daddy gets the evil eye and some major screaming if he tries to help with that.

Also, Lauren allowed us to put in her a highchair at dinner tonight. Up until now, 99% of her waking hours has been in Mommy’s arms OR ELSE it can get ugly. She also smiled at Daddy & Ellie. I was carrying her so I missed the live event, thank God Ellie captured it on film or I would never believe that it happened.
All I can do is pray that each day it gets better & that Lauren completely warms up to us and starts to exhibit some of the behaviors that her nannies claim are her true personality (i.e. – super playful and friendly).

As a note to fellow adopters who are the process: you must bring stacking cups! Lauren can’t get enough of hers. Early today she took her orange cup EVERYWHERE. Didn’t drop it once and we had been on an off at least 5 times. Then this afternoon, it was all about the blue cup. Took it to dinner and never put it down. Seriously she’s asleep now and it’s still in her hand! Well I’m going to follow in Lauren’s path and get to bed. Tomorrow’s agenda includes a visit to Wal-Mart (oh yay baby), so you know you need to stop by to hear all about that excitement, LOL!

Making it official with the Civil Affairs Office

Zonked out with my orange cup in a death grip!

The first bottle!

Lauren's 1st time in a high chair -
please note the grip on the blue cup

Daddy is allowed to feed Lauren

If there wasn't a picture
I wouldn't believe Lauren smiled!

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