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Trip to China
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What a whirlwind of a day! We were told we “may” get our babies today, but none of us expected that it would be immediately following our arrival in Nanning. We flew out of Hong Kong at 2:30 pm and arrived in Nanning about an hour or so later. We met our second guide of the trip after claiming our baggage and she immediately told us that “we are going to get your babies right now and then we’ll go from there to your next hotel”.

We were all floored, excited and scared! 45 minutes later we were in an empty room of the Civil Affairs Office in the Lottery Hotel when the doors opened up and a parade of nannies and babies came in. It was complete chaos and honestly quite upsetting. One of the children is 4 ½ and she screamed, cried and fought to go back to her nanny. Her nanny exited quickly in tears. Mike and I were sobbing watching this child and our friends as they tried to calm her down. It was heart wrenching. Next thing we know someone was yelling out “Gui Qiu – Gui Qiu” and Lauren was thrusted into my arms. It was so quick Mike could barely capture it on video. Lauren screamed and cried – Mike and I cried some more. As quickly as they introduced these children to us, we were ushered out and back into the bus to go to our hotel. Lauren screamed & cried the whole way to the hotel and then for another hour or so after arrival. We gave her a sponge bath, changed her wet diaper & put her in clean clothes but she was still pretty upset and would push our hands away & try to avert eye contact with both of us. She felt a little warm, & is clearly cutting new teeth, so we gave her some baby Motrin. I hope she feels much better in the morning.

One thing I need to say is “thank GOD for stacking cups”! I sat Lauren down on the bed with the stacking cups and some other toys and then…finally it came….the silence. She busied herself for a good hour or more with those little cups (thank you Aunt Leah & Uncle Steve!). Pat, Ellie & Tess came down to visit & share some rice cereal with Lauren but she wouldn’t take that or a bottle either. We tried a teething biscuit & some puffs but she just turned away from it all. The poor baby has got to be hungry but is stubborn and is not too happy being left with us today.

Like a switch was hit, Lauren just leaned over & fell asleep around 8:30 tonight. She stirred a little when I scooper her up to put her in her crib, but then went right back to sleep. My poor angel is exhausted.

Please remember us in your prayers, please ask God to help Lauren & all of these children as they go thru this life altering change. Please pray that Mike and I make the right choices in helping Lauren do so. There’s no way of explaining the emotions that Mike and I have been thru today. We’ve been waiting for this day for so long. Here it is and it is hard. It’s amazing how much love we felt for her from the moment we saw her picture…but when she was first put in my arms it was like an explosion of emotions I could never put into words. Seeing Lauren grieving hurts my heart so much, I wish I knew what to do or give her to make it all better.

It is nearing midnight and it’s been a really long day. I hope you all like the pictures of our beautiful little angel; hopefully we’ll be able to send one with a “smile” soon! Please keep the guestbook comments coming, we LOVE reading them! - Denice

Mike here: Well all I can say is… what in the world just happened?! As I write this I am actually looking at my daughter sleeping peacefully; something that I have dreamt of for years. She never had a face until now. It is not easy to describe what emotions are running through my head, but here’s two: overwhelmed and scared, but it’s a good scared. I do not know what else I can say, plus Denice needs to get this update done before we retire for the evening. Love you all. - Lauren’s Dad

The farmland of Nanning

Gotcha! Finally a family of three...GOD IS GOOD!

Leaving for our hotel

Letting Daddy sit close by (baby steps!)

Playing contently.

Too much excitement - she's OUT!

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