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Trip to China
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December 15-16, 2008

Arrived in Hong Kong around 7:30 pm on Tuesday night …our flight went well. Truly the longest 15.5 hours of my life. We hit a little turbulence and other than some sore tushes we are doing great. Thank God for the movies, music and games on the flight. Hey Lynne…I watched 4 episodes of Sex In The City and 2 of I Dream of Jeannie –I couldn’t help but think of you! So add another 5 or more movies & our hourly strolls around the plane and you get the picture…like I said it was a long flight!

Poor Mike left his book on the plane so he’s in mourning (sorry mom!).

There are seven families in our travel group & we’ve met everyone today. Two are single moms. One with another daughter from China who is 6 – she’s a real sweetheart so we are enjoying her company. One of the other families brought their other two children, both adopted from Russia. So it’s great having some young blood in the group.

We are completely zonked out and ready for bed, but just got the news that we should be getting our girls tomorrow night. So keep your fingers crossed for us!

Good night from Hong Kong!

Getting ready to board the longest flight EVER!

Part of our travel group –
waiting for luggage and TIRED

A nervous new dad

All ready for Christmas at the Hong Kong Regal Airport Hotel!

Our Hong Kong guide, Ben

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