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We're Home

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Well, we made it home and Kaden did amazing for what seemed like a travel day that would never end. It was a three hour flight from Guangzhou to Beijing, then a five hour layover in Beijing and then the 12 1/2 hour flight back to the states. We had a huge welcoming party at the airport of loved ones who had come out to meet Kaden and welcome us home. The feeling of finally being home with our families and having our son with us was the greatest comfort in the world. We were surrounded by the love and support that helped us through all those years of disappointment, mourning, and frustration...and we were all now able to celebrate this joyous blessing that was brought into our lives and into this family. Kaden surprised us both by how well he handled the big group of people greeting us at the airport. It's like he just knew that this was his family and he gave everyone high fives when he met them.

Kaden has seemed to adjust so well to all the changes we've thrown at him and seems like one of the most resilient little kids I've ever met. He is laughing and running around the house...and especially loves to run up and down the hall and have you chase him and tickle him. He loves his new room and new toys and will bring every book off of his bookshelf one by one for us to read to him as he jumps up into our lap with a big smile on his face. We are just amazed and thank God every day that this transition has gone so smoothly for him.

Kaden is still on China time, so we've had several nights where Mama or Baba (or both) were up in the wee hours of the night/ morning running around the house playing with him...trying to wear him out. By the way, he has done great with the car seat (for those of you wondering), but we have not yet attempted the stroller again.

We are so thankful that we were able to have Kaden home with us for Christmas and know that this is the greatest Christmas gift we could have ever asked for. This epitomizes for us what Christmas truly represents...family, love, and the gift of life (eternal). God, in his infinite wisdom, prepped our hearts and our minds for this long journey that started years ago and He knew in the end that the overwhelming joy and love that this precious child would bring us would be worth it all!

Thank you to everyone who sent us messages in the guest book...it truly kept us going in China. It was a huge encouragement and source of support to know that there were so many people who were with us on our "Journey to Kaden".

"For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ in accordance with His pleasure and will" ~Ephesians 1:4-5

Welcome Home Kaden!

Kaden lounging in his new room

Loving his new house and all his new books

Our family

Having fun on the floor with Baba (Daddy) at Grandma and Grandpa Alcala's house

Merry Christmas!

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