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Trip to China
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Today was a travel day. Not a whole lot to report, happily we arrived safely!

Since I posted before the day was over yesterday, I'll start where I left off (for anyone interested in reading about our day besides my beloved hubby and my mom ;)) Tori and I went out for a stroll and ended up at a new addition since the last time I was here... Starbucks. Although I don't frequent it in the States, the caffeine did sound inviting. We sat and enjoyed the best caramel frappachino I've ever tasted. Then we pressed forward onto a bit more shopping and ended with a dinner at the Cow and Bridge. Since it is my very favorite restaurant in Guangzhou, I decided to take some pictures to capture the evening. Tori and I got to giggling about how strange we must have seemed to the older Chinese couple sitting next to us, me snapping pictures of the placemat in front of me and beautifully set vacant tables. We laughed until we cried. The day ended early, shortly after dinner as we could not stay awake any longer. At the end of the day we were both proud to be members of the 'no nap' club, we're trying to shake the jet lag as soon as possible.

The morning came slowly as Tori and I both tossed and turned most of the night. Funny how the body can be totally exhausted, but the mind won't comply. At 5:30 we finally gave up the battle and got up. We were to meet Molly, our CHSFS guide, at 10:00 to discuss our travel plans as she would be making the trip from Guangzhou to Fuzhou with us. After eating breakfast and picking up our laundry, we packed up and began the trek to Fuzhou. Everything went smoothly, just a bit late leaving Guangzhou due to the rain. Between the turbulence, fatigue and hunger pangs, Tori and I both landed with a serious case of nausea. Thankfully the weather in Fuzhou is a bit cooler that Guangzhou so we were able to cool off and arrive at the lovely Shangri La, no brown bag needed.

For tonight Tori and I are on our own, ordering room service, since were both too tired to go out and are just pretty darn grateful to be on the ground in the province of our precious Jude. Tomorrow we will meet Jude in the afternoon and will update the site as soon as he will allow!

Goodnight from Fuzhou :)

Goin' to Starbucks ~ Guangzhou

Laughed until we cried

The vacant table picture

We're HERE!

View from our room

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