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In China
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

After we posted yesterday afternoon, Grace woke from her nap, and we took her to visit one of our other Bay Area Adoption Services families. She wasn’t too sure about playing with the other girls in their room, but once we went out to the hotel play area she had a great time with them. She really loved the slide and soon became very proficient, she also walked a lot more and started trying to climb up and down steps. It has become clear to us that Grace’s sight is extremely limited, she needs guidance when out and about. It appears that all she can see is light. However she will not be deterred or slowed down by anything. After eating in the hotel’s Cantonese restaurant we came and played in our room until she crashed out, once asleep she can be placed in her crib with no complaints.

For the first time she woke without any prompting from us right around 6.30am. She was in a pretty good mood and once again she loved her bath. She sits in the water splashing and shouting and thoroughly enjoying herself. Our group trip today was to the Six Banyan Temple. It was nice to wander among the various Buddhist shrines and see the priests at prayer. I wish I could say Grace took in this deeply spiritual experience, alas no, she discovered the joy of leading her mama by the hand and exploring every step and staircase she could find. I was worried that she would protest when it was time to get back on the bus but she did just fine. After the temple we stopped at a state run craft market and picked up a few souvenirs.

Now we are back in the hotel and she is napping before her friend Megan comes by for a play date. Margaret is out exploring the neighborhood and I hope she finds a good spot for us to eat this evening. Tomorrow afternoon we have our trip to the US Consulate for our appointment, there we must swear that we told the truth on all the paperwork. That is the last official step for Grace, her US Immigrant Visa will then be given to us on Friday afternoon!

Love from Mike, Margaret, and Grace

Sliding with Megan

Bath times are fun

The lobby in our hotel

I wish this woman would let go!

Little Grace and our guide Grace

Our travel group

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