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In China
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December 5-6, 2010

We have had a lovely 2 days here in Guangzhou. It’s a fantastic city and the weather at the moment is great. Each day our guide, whose English name is Grace (!) takes us and 3 other American families from the same adoption agency out on the bus for a morning trip. It is nice to have a different activity to do each day and to get to know the other families. Sunday’s trip was to a beautiful park. There were many Chinese families enjoying the sunshine and just being together. They are quite used to seeing Western families with Chinese babies here, so we don’t get as much attention, but the older ladies cannot stay away from our Grace. She seemed to enjoy the sun on her face and we would ask our guide Grace to explain to ‘Rong Rong’ what was in the park as we passed by the different sights.

Today’s excursion was to the pearl and jade markets. They are quite overwhelming places as there are so many shops and you have to bargain for the best price. We got a jade bangle for Grace which she uses to hit Mike with! We also bought her some shoes that squeak as she walks. She seems to like them! One of the other families has 2 daughters adopted from China and Megan has taken a real liking to Grace and was holding her hand in the streets and on the bus. Grace seemed to enjoy her company and I cannot wait to set her up with some play dates in Clearwater. She is currently napping and this evening we plan to visit the Cantonese restaurant here at the hotel.

We are missing you all very much and often talk about what we would be doing at home. The messages are great so keep them coming! My sister Jacqui will be flying in on Thursday to spend a couple of days with her new niece so that will be nice and another connection to home.

Thanks for all the prayers and warm thoughts. They must be working because all things considered we think that Grace is doing amazingly well. Her sad times seem to be decreasing and she truly seems to trust us as her carers. We just think she is the best thing that has ever happened to us, Christmas has definitely come early!!!

Lots of Love, Margaret and Mike

Out in the park

Escaping with Cheerios

A snack in the shade

What do I like best -
my new shoes or tearing up the box

At the Jade Market with my friend Megan

Busy Guangzhou Street

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