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February 5, 2012
Be strong
and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be
dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you
go. ~Joshua 1:9
"I don't always know where this life is going. I can't see
the end of the road, but here is the great part: courage
is not about knowing the path. It is about taking the
first step. It is about Peter getting out of the boat,
stepping out onto the water with complete faith that Jesus
will not let him drown." (Kisses from Katie pg 247)
Greetings from Changsha!
It's been a LONG day. A day that began at 3:00 AM! Gotta
love jet lag! And trust me, we were waiting for those
doors to breakfast to open at 6:30 AM this morning.
Today we traveled by airport shuttle, bus, taxi, plane,
and van to reach our destination. Changsha! It was
wonderful to see Amy, smiling and waving to us as we
walked out of the baggage claim area. She's just as warm
and efficient as she was 5 years ago. Her first words to
me were that I looked the same and hadn't aged a bit! Ha!
But it was nice to hear. It was fun to share updates of
AnnaClaire with her, and she also had updated information
on Ellie. She's doing GREAT. She's the princess of the
orphanage, and when she leaves tomorrow, things will be
very boring without her. LOL My mama's heart would love to
believe that all these words are true, but somehow, I
think that many other adoptive families hear the very same
thing. |

Oh my~ the crib!

Posing at the GZ airport in front of some CNY decorations. |
They did
also say that she understands everything she's told and is
beginning to talk. Amy then called the orphanage director
to see what kind of formula we should purchase, and they
said that Ellie's off the bottle. Not exactly the news I
was hoping to hear, and I will do my best to get her right
back onto the bottle~ hopefully at least once a day before
bed. She may not need that bottle, but her mama sure does!
After we checked in to the Dolton, Amy came up to our room
to go over what would be needed for tomorrow morning.
Looks like little Ellie will be in my arms at 10:30 AM
China time! Oh, my. After all this time, I can hardly
believe that TOMORROW is Ellie day! It's just surreal. As
is the crib, sitting empty in our room. Just waiting. For
our little girl~ the one chosen by God, just for us. He
knit her together perfectly in her birthmother's womb. But
it is OUR hearts~ Ellie's and ours, that He will now knit
together. And I can't wait!
Once again Bill is asleep as I type. (I'm seeing a pattern
here.) And when I finish this post I will try hard to get
some sleep. Tomorrow is the day we've been waiting for
since May 27, 2011. Tomorrow we will hold our precious
daughter in our arms at long last. This is her last night
to sleep as an orphan. Tomorrow night Elisabeth LiMeng
will be rocked and snuggled, kissed and loved. And she
will go to sleep as a cherished daughter. |
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