We're Home
February 2012
May 2012
February 2013
February 16, 2012
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all
we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work
within us, to HIM be glory in the church and in Christ
Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!"
Ephesians 3:20-21
"'Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Welcome home!" they shouted.
This must be a glimpse of heaven, I mused. The angels
shouting our names and Jesus saying, 'Welcome home.'"
(Kisses From Katie pg. 140)
It feels GOOD to be home! We arrived about 3 hours later
than anticipated, as we had a bit of drama on our Hong
Kong to Chicago flight. We were delayed about 45 minutes
from departure due to the airlines having to redistribute
the fuel on the plane's engines so that the plane would be
more balanced. Once we were in the air, about 2 hours into
the flight one of the passengers became unruly. He was not
sitting in our section, but evidently he was spewing
profanities and then became aggressive toward one of the
female flight attendants. He was quickly wrestled into
handcuffs and leg shackles by a male flight attendant and
a couple of big, burley men on the flight. They also duct
taped his mouth shut! He was then carried to the back of
the plane (where we were) and was duct taped to a seat in
the very rear of the plane. They literally wrapped the
duct tape around his chest and torso and around the seat
to keep him in place. Then a flight attendant sat with him
the whole time he was strapped in the chair. The decision
was made to divert the plane to Tokyo to get the unruly
passenger off the plane. SO, that put us on a longer route
home. In order to land in Tokyo, the plane had to circle
around for quite a while dumping fuel. So, the 45 minutes
that we sat originally to get the fuel balance correct,
turned out to be a waste of time, since we ended up
dumping so much fuel. After landing in a remote spot at
the Tokyo airport, about 12 uniformed officers stormed the
plane to remove the offending passenger. We then had to
wait for the plane to be re-fueled and also more supplies
were brought aboard. All in all we were probably on the
ground for 1 1/2 MORE hours. All the passengers had to
remain on the plane during that time. So, a little bit of
excitement on our way home!
Little Miss Ellie was a great traveler; however, she was
NOT the perfect sleeper on the flight home. I think all
told she slept about 2 hours, in 20-30 minute increments.
Which translates to mean that her mother did not sleep at
all. Daddy spent his travel time watching movies on the
ipad, since he really could not help much with Ellie. I am
NOT feeling a bit sorry for him! For me, it was just a
long grueling flight. How quickly one forgets those
flights. Like childbirth, I guess. By the time we landed I
could hardly focus my eyes, and they were stinging and
watering. Literally bleary eyed. I know a lot of you can
relate to that feeling. And adding the extra fly time
certainly did nothing to help.
And then there was my friend Leslie, who was traveling
home with her with SIX children on the same flight. I
couldn't believe how well behaved those older 5 were! And
her baby girl? Oh yes, THAT sweet girl slept for 7 hours.
On the plane. And she continued to sleep even as we we
disembarked! She got the memo. Seems that Ellie did not.
Sigh.... It was such fun to have our friends sitting near
us on the flight home~ probably the only bright spot!
We passed through immigration very smoothly and of course
our baby girl became a citizen in Chicago. We then went on
to pass through customs, and a little bit of drama ensued.
Yes, those little oranges that Ellie so loved, where in my
carry on bag. I told the officer I had them, and he then
sent us to the back of a long line. On the way to the
line, I saw a janitor pushing a trash can, so I dropped
the bag of little oranges into the trash can of a passing
janitor knowing that I wouldn't be able to bring them in.
When we got up the the front of the line, the officer I
had talked to earlier, asked where the oranges were, and I
told him I'd thrown them away. Well. Evidently, this is
NOT what one should do in this instance. He yelled at me,
made mention a $1,000 fine, asked me where the trash can
and the janitor went, and then TOLD ME TO GO FIND THEM. I
looked at him incredulously, and told him that I had no
idea where the janitor went, and I was NOT going to look
for him, as I had a connection to make, and told him that
obviously I had no idea that it would be such an issue to
throw the offending fruit away. I told him I wasn't up on
the customs laws, but had no idea that bringing a few
oranges for the baby would cause such a problem and
assured him I'd never bring fruit into the US from another
country again. That I had no idea that simply throwing
them away would be such a problem. Issue was resolved. No
fine paid. And just to let you all know what to do if you
find yourself with fruit from another country, and you're
not sure of what to do with it. Don't throw it away.
Simply leave it on the plane. Yes, it's fine to have it on
the plane, just not off the plane. So. Now you all know.
Of course with the unruly passenger incident, we were
delayed getting in and missed our connection. Initially we
were told that the next flight we could get on was leaving
5 hours after we had landed. I was not going to handle a
layover of that time length very well, so Bill went to the
counter and did a little "status" dropping and we were put
on a plane that was leaving in just 30 minutes, so we
hurried to a new terminal and walked right onto the plane.
Little Ellie was sleeping in my arms before we even pushed
off from the gate, and she didn't wake up until we had
landed and I stood up to disembark. She really needed that
sleep. Poor baby was so tired on the long flight, that she
was rubbing her eyes, which made them all read and
scratching her face. We had just trimmed Ellie's nails
that morning, as when she's bored, unhappy, or tired she
tends to scratch at herself. Her poor little face was just
a mess by the time we arrived home. Purple bags under her
eyes, and scratches all over her beautiful little face. It
was a LONG day.
But oh, how wonderful it was to ride down the escalator at
the airport and to see 6 of my beautiful children, the
aunties, and my friends. And all the posters and balloons.
(We sure missed Will who was just too far away in TX to
come home.) Whenever I greet friends at the airport that
are arriving home from China, I can just FEEL what they
are feeling. And I always say I'm glad it's THEM just
getting in from that long flight and not me! But this time
it was me. All you China adopters know that exhausted,
wrung out, and can hardly keep your eyes open feeling. SO
excited to be HOME, but just the downright exhaustion from
the trip and the flight. All kind of hitting you at once.
The excitement of the 4 younger children was a wonder to
behold. It felt so good to have them in my arms again.
Their sweetness toward Ellie. Little, tiny Kate, being the
big sister. Emily's first look at her newest baby sister.
Drew there, and all his help with all the luggage and
overseeing things. Seeing my 4 special friends. All etched
in my mind. It felt SO good. Afterwards we all piled into
cars and headed home for a delicious dinner that was
waiting for our arrival. |

Goodbye, China

Getting ready back at home


Almost all of us...

Sisters meeting at last

The welcoming crew!

Mommy and her girls!

Happy to be HOME!
It was going
on mid-night when we put Ellie to bed and Bill and I fell
into bed. We heard from the princess at 1:30, 2:30, and
4:30. Remember those early days home? Yeah. Ellie was
easily and quickly soothed though, with verbal assurances
and pats. At 4:30, I thought I was going to have to get up
for the day, but after I soothed Ellie, she was content to
"talk" in her crib, and I hopped back into the bed and
fell asleep. I'm not sure how long she stayed awake in her
crib, but the next thing I knew, it was going on 11:00 AM
and Ellie was sleeping and I was just waking up! Bill and
I got up and hadn't realized that the aunties and Grandma
had everything packed up and they were nearly ready to go!
After our good bye's, I woke the sleeping princess. Ellie
played nicely with the 4 this morning while I started
unpacking and running laundry loads. And let me tell you,
those 4 DOTE on her! Their love was not always returned,
but that did not deter them. It was so cute. Lots of
giggles and smiles over the silly games they'd play with
her. Gracie is trying SO hard to be able to hold Ellie
without Ellie crying. Charlie shared his cars with Ellie
for quite a while. He is SO sweet and patient. Kate spent
her morning gently patting Ellie, and retrieving her
thrown toys. And AC would run in on occasion and plant big
kisses on Ellie's forehead and tell her how cute she is,
but that it was hard work to be a big sister. Emily worked
hard at wooing baby sister and made some great strides. A
little chocolate bribery was the key to endearing Ellie to
her. Ellie even allowed Emily to scoop her up and take her
to wipe off her face and hands after her M&M treats with
no tears. Emily's been very patient all day and not
"pushing" Ellie at all, but I KNOW she's dying to snuggle
her. As is Daddy. AND we might have heard a little, "Jie
Jie" come out of Ellie's mouth while she was playing with
Emily! Em said her goal is to hold Ellie for a picture
where Ellie's not crying when being held before she leaves
for school on Sunday. We shall see!
It is GOOD. God is GOOD. Today having 5 of the littles
around me, it felt so GOOD. And so RIGHT. And so COMPLETE.
My heart is Full.
To all of you who have followed along, I want to thank
you. Many of you who signed the guestbook, I didn't even
know that I "knew" and I am SO thankful that you let me
know who you were. Your prayers, your encouragement and
your introductions of yourselves and stories brought such
joy each day we were in China. Many of you have asked if I
will blog. And I just might. I really did enjoy sitting
down each evening and writing. Getting the camera out is
another story, though. If I do blog, I will just write on
Emily's blog, which she's encouraging me to do. So down
the road a bit, you may want to just check in and see.
And just a few thank you's~
Thank you to Joe and Jennifer! If anyone is traveling and
needs a website, these are the ones to go to, IMO. They
are a precious adoptive family, having made the journey to
China twice before, and their understanding of their
clients' needs is so apparent. Not only are the websites
so visually attractive, but Joe and Jennifer could not be
any easier to work with. I was AMAZED at how quickly our
updates were posted after I had emailed them each day.
Thank you both. You made the process SO easy, even for a
novice like me!
Thank you to Bill's sisters and Mom for dropping their own
lives and activities and coming to help with the 4. We
didn't have to ask twice. They didn't even hesitate when
we asked. They blessed us and blessed our children as
well. We were sad to see them leave today. And to my mom,
I say thank you as well. She wasn't able to come and help,
but she is always so supportive our of adoptions and she
LOVES her grandchildren! All 8 of them.
I also want to say thank you to my special friends here.
My airport greeters. My IRL adoption friends. My Chick Fil
A group! I have loved watching our little group grow over
the years. And now we are a big group! 13 precious adopted
children between us, including my friend Tracey. You are
ALWAYS an encouragement to me. And you make coming home
such a fun event! I can't wait to see who is next!
And lastly, my older children. I stand amazed at all 3 of
you. The young adults you are. In spite of your very
imperfect mother. I know that none of you probably would
have chosen to have 5 young siblings. It's not easy having
parents so out of the norm, I am sure. It's not easy to be
a spectacle when we're out and about. I know you've had to
make some sacrifices in order for Daddy and I do have done
what we've done. You've been asked if you're their
parents. You ride around town in a crazy big van when
you're home. But you have been understanding. And
gracious. And supportive. You love them and love on them.
You hold their hands. You give big hugs and kisses. You
play. You read stories. And you tuck them in. You're such
FUN when you come home. And you sometimes bring doughnuts,
too! And you've never ONCE complained or have acted put
upon. Your 4 younger siblings ADORE you. They look up to
you. And I pray they will follow in your footsteps. I know
that little Ellie will grow to love you all, too. Thank
you guys. You are the best children I could ever have
asked for. I am BLESSED.
And I thank God for his faithfulness. From His first
little whisper, back in Oct. 2005 'til now. Look at what
He's done!!! More than I could have ever even dreamed or
I'll post one final update on this site probably right
after Easter. Will will be home for Easter, and I'll have
ALL my children together, so we'll get a family shot. And
also, I'll have Emily home to help me go through all the
photos. So check back then!
So now we end. Though really, it is just the beginning.
"What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have
planned, that will I do." Isaiah 46:11 |
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