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Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the
rights of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak
and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
~Psalm 82: 3-4
One year ago today a screaming, writhing, and terrified
baby girl was placed in our arms. Sometimes we cannot see
God working in our lives. And other times we receive the
blessing of very clearly being able to see God at work,
and over this past year, we have been given the gift of
seeing God’s work in the life our precious daughter.
This was the verse that we had claimed for Ellie long
before we had her in our arms: “Even to your old age
and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I
have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and
I will rescue you.” ~Isaiah 46:4 Our God IS faithful.
He made her, and He has indeed sustained our precious girl
from the very moment she was conceived in her birth
mother’s womb. Ellie’s time in China was not easy on her.
We know from a visiting mission team that Ellie spent much
of her day sitting off by herself. Never smiling. Very
afraid of strangers and not wanting to interact. It was a
goal of one of the young women on the mission team to “get
a smile out of her” before the week ended. At 21 months,
she spoke no words in Mandarin. We saw Ellie cry (scream,
actually) and push her nannies away on our orphanage
visit, just 3 short days after we received her. We saw her
head droop down and her entire demeanor change when we
visited the little room that had been her home for her
first 21 months. We saw firsthand the devastating effect
that life in an institution had on our daughter, even
though she had been there for less than 2 years. And even
though her orphanage was a “good” Half the Sky orphanage.
And although things didn’t look good on the outside, our
God had indeed sustained His precious child. He protected
her heart. He gave her the capacity to LOVE and receive
love. He did rescue her. And He used some very imperfect
vessels to accomplish His plan.
It’s God’s plan for children to be loved and nurtured
within family, and Ellie has positively flourished within
our family. She is pure JOY! She loves BIG, and she has
learned to TRUST. She is full of spunk and personality.
She is bright, inquisitive, bossy and stubborn! She tries
hard to please, loves to help, and has a tender heart. She
eats well, sleeps well in her big girl bed, keeps her big
girl panties “clean-dry” and keeps her siblings in line!
She does not want to be the baby and is growing up WAY too
fast for this mama. She’s a great little traveler and
loves to be on the go. Her language has EXPLODED, and she
chatters all the time. She doesn’t. miss. a. thing. And
she’s in the middle of everyone’s business. She is SO
extroverted, that it’s hard to fathom that she was ever
sitting off by herself in the corner of an orphanage. And
THAT is the grace of God. He changes lives. He heals
hearts. He makes all things new. He gives a hope and a
future. He redeems. We know that God has big plans for
this littlest daughter of ours, and we are so thankful
that He has chosen US to be a part of them.
Each night, after giving Ellie her bottle, she snuggles
her little head onto my shoulder, and I rock her and sing
“Jesus Loves the Little Children, and “Jesus Loves Me.”
And when we are finished singing she picks her head up,
looks deeply into my eyes and says, “Jesus loves ME. Mommy
and Daddy, too.” Yes, Elisabeth LiMeng, Jesus DOES love
you. He made you and carried you. He sustained you. He
rescued you. And He most certainly does love you.
And your mommy and daddy love you, too. You are our
indescribable gift. Our priceless treasure. Wanted. Chosen
and cherished. Our beloved daughter. We are so very
This will be our last post to this website. We thank you
for following along on our journey, and if you care to
keep up with our family, you can follow along
“What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have
planned, that will I do.” ~Isaiah 46:11 |

Gotcha Day~ Feb. 6, 2012

Fun at the Lake ~ June 2012

Cousin’s Wedding in MI~ July 2012

Sister Love~ Oct. 2012

Striking a Pose~ Nov. 2012

1st Thanksgiving ~ Nov. 2012
1st Night in the Big Girl Bed~ Nov. 2012

Will’s Graduation in TX~ Dec. 2012

1st Christmas~ Dec. 2012

Greenville~ Jan. 2013

One Year Later ~ Feb. 6, 2013
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