For each of
our children from China, God has given us a scripture
verse, and this is God's promise for Elisabeth LiMeng:
"Even to your old age and gray hairs, I am He,
I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
~Isaiah 46:4

Elisabeth LiMeng
Born~ May 4, 2010
Chinese Name~ Chen Li Meng
Waiting for Us~ Chenzhou SWI, Hunan |
"What I
have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned,
that will I do."
~Isaiah 46:11
Full Circle and Complete! That is how I feel when I think
of Ellie and what her adoption means for our family. The
story is long, but it needs to be told in it in its
entirety. To GOD be the Glory, Great Things He Has Done!
The story of Elisabeth LiMeng is one that only God could
have written. One that could have been orchestrated only
by Him. Her story begins not with her referral, but in
Dec. 2006; years before she was even born. It was then
that we traveled to Hunan to adopt our first baby girl,
AnnaClaire. We were able to visit her orphanage, Chenzhou
SWI, on one of the days of our trip. And while we were
there visiting, I was forever changed. I knew in my heart
that I would be back to that very place again one day. I
felt in my very core a connection to Chenzhou~ one that I
have not felt in the same way with any of our other 3
children's orphanages. I would be back. Upon arriving
home, and over the years we have always said within our
family that if the opportunity ever arose to adopt again
from Chenzhou, we would do it again in a heartbeat.
In 2008, we brought home our darling Kate from Jiangxi.
Fast forward to Oct. 2009. At that time we were paper
chasing for our 3rd adoption. For our precious son,
Charlie, who was to be our "last". I happened upon an
agency WC list (not the agency we were using for Charlie's
adoption) and saw the face of a baby girl who stole my
heart. Her SN was one that we were familiar with, and one
for which I have a special place in my heart. That baby
girl was not to be ours, but at that moment God spoke to
my heart and said, "You will bring home one more baby
girl. Your family will not be complete after Charlie."
"What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have
planned, that will I do." ~Isaiah 46:11. A month later, on
our agency list, a beautiful girl, with a sparkling smile,
very unexpectedly grabbed my heart. She was turning 10
years old the very day I first laid eyes on her. God spoke
to my heart and said, "She is yours, bring her home." And
within a couple of days we sent in LOI for our Grace. Ok,
Lord, you were right. Our family was not to be complete
after Charlie. We did have one more girl, though she was
not a baby girl as I had thought. Perhaps I had heard
wrong. We brought Grace and Charlie home in July 2010, and
to all, our family seemed complete. Our hands were
blessedly full.
To all, our family did seem complete. To all, but me!
Those early days of being out with the 4 by myself, often
found me counting heads. And every time I reached 4, I
would find myself looking around for #5, always feeling as
if someone was not there. Feeling that someone was
missing. I happened to be the only one in the family who
felt like someone was missing, though. Although our older
children have always been on board with our adoptions, all
3 were pretty much feeling that the 4 we had were enough,
and 7 children were plenty for our family. They were
feeling done, as was Bill. And so, I tried my best to put
"baby girl" out of my mind.
In mid-late Jan. 2011, my heart felt heavily burdened.
Burdened that we DID have on more baby girl waiting for us
in China. I shared with my husband, but he was not feeling
that same burden. Well, actually he was feeling the
burden. But not of a baby girl waiting for him. He was
feeling the financial burden of our 3 older children who
would all be overlapping in college that next school year!
A month went by. I was still feeling my baby girl burden
and Bill, his. I felt SO strongly though, that we had a
baby girl on the Feb. shared list, that Bill agreed that I
could have our agency rep check that ONE list for us. And
ONLY that one. If our little girl was on it, she was ours
and meant to be. And if not, I had heard wrong, and I
promised not to bring up "baby girl" again. I called my
agency rep and I asked her if she'd check the Feb. shared
list for us, looking only for a little girl 12 mos. or
younger at referral, and I listed only one special need~
the need of the baby girl I had seen back in Oct. 2009. We
did not get our referral call that night, and I told my
agency not to check any further lists. It seemed our
family was complete.
Fast forward again to May 27th, 2010~ the day of our
oldest daughter, Emily's, high school graduation. With a
house full of out of town relatives and our upstairs
air-conditioner totally OUT (which at the end of May in
our southern state means HOT) I was a hot and emotional
mess. I woke up early that morning, and I did what any
good adoption mama does, and that was to get on the
computer. (Don't laugh~ you know you all do that, too!)
And there in my inbox was a message with the title
"Maybe????" With a 2nd message titled, "Referral". To say
I was shocked is an understatement. Yes, I knew a new list
had come out that past Monday. But I was certainly not
expecting a call. These messages had come to me the night
before; as Thursday nights are when files are re-released.
I opened the
referral email and took a peek. And there she was~ a
darling baby girl with her hair standing on end! I then
said to my husband, who had just woken up, "You are NOT
going to believe this!" And I showed him that sweet face.
The sweet face of a baby girl, who had just turned 12 mos.
old and had the one SN we'd "requested" back in February.
Bill was incredulous, as was I. I ASSURED him that I had
not broken my promise to him ~ that I HAD sent an email to
the agency asking them not to look for us anymore. But
then the "college finance thing" hit him, and Bill said,
"No, this is just NOT the time." I asked him if he was
sure, and he said that yes, he was very sure; there was
just no way. She was perfect, but the time just wasn’t
right. I then composed the most heartfelt and tearful
email to my rep declining the file of this most perfect
baby girl. She wrote back and said that the file was
locked until Sunday night, should we change our minds. She
said that she was so sorry that she had continued to look
for us and put me through such anguish, but that she had
not received the email I had sent asking her not to look
further. So that was that. There was to be no baby girl.
We were complete.
But then. Through my tears, I belatedly did more than just
look again at the referral photo. I actually started to
READ what was written. And I didn't get very far~ just to
her name to be exact, when I saw it. CHEN Li Meng. Hmmmm
"Chen" was our AnnaClaire's surname~ the one that they
give to all the children that come into Chenzhou SWI....and
then I read where she was from. And indeed, out of all the
orphanges in the huge country of China, this baby girl,
who also matched the very narrow parameters I had given to
our agency rep, was from CHENZHOU. Of course our agency
rep had no idea that it was the desire of our hearts to
adopt from Chenzhou again. I certainly hadn't had her
searching for a <12 mos. baby girl, with one SN listed AND
given her a specific SWI to look for. That would have been
ludicrous. Impossible. "...but with God, all things are
possible." ~Matthew 19:26. So, I went to Bill armed with
this new information. And he said, "Ok, now we do need to
talk." The problem was, how can two "talk" with 15 family
members in the house? This had taken us SO off guard, that
we REALLY did need to talk. How can two "talk" with a day
and evening full of graduation festivities? All the while
trying to make the day special for a very special
daughter? How can one not say anything to that very
special daughter? The daughter who knows my heart so well.
How can we go through THAT day, with THIS weighing on our
very souls???? Not surprisingly, we fell into bed that
night, both physically and mentally exhausted, having said
nothing to anyone~ not even to each other.

Our first glimpse of Ellie

Sweet Baby! April, 2011~ photo taken by a family visiting

Ellie Smiling - June 2011 –
photo taken by a visiting mission team

Such a Sweet Face ~ photo taken by a MAW Family while visiting
Chenzhou – August 2011

Look at Her Hair!!! photo update from agency – November 2011

All Bundled Up! photo sent to us by June mission team member on
Christmas Eve 2011.

We're Coming Soon, Baby Girl!

Updated Photos
Received January 19th