In China
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February 4, 2012
"Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't
know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our
souls, knows what we know, and holds us responsible to
act. "
~Proverbs 24:12
"The truth is that the 143 orphaned children and the 11
million who starve to death or die from preventable
diseases and the 8.5 million who work as child slaves,
prostitutes, or under other horrific conditions and the
2.3 million who live with HIV add up to 164.8 million
needy children. And though at first glance that looks like
a big number, 2.1 billion people on this earth proclaim to
be Christians.
The truth is that if only 8% of the Christians would care
for one more child, there would not be any statistics
left. This is the Truth. I have the freedom to believe it.
The freedom, the opportunity to do something about it. The
truth is that He loves these children just as much as He
loves me and now that I know, I am responsible to act."
(Kisses from Katie pg 91-92)
Hello from Hong Kong!
We are here. And it feels SO good. And so right! And lets
just say that traveling, without our four treasures in
tow, is REALLY nice! Leaving them behind was HARD, but
this is NICE!
Our flights were GREAT, and on our Chicago to Hong Kong
leg, Bill and I had aisle seats across from each other,
and empty seats on each side of us. Can we be so fortunate
on the way home??? I managed to sleep about 6 hours~ a
first on any of our trips, and during my awake hours, I
read the book "Kisses from Katie" from cover to cover.
Ladies, you all MUST read this book. The wisdom and
example of this young woman, her love of the orphan and
her compassion
for ALL humans will simply change your life. Run, don't
walk, and get this book. (Or get it my favorite way by
using that oh so handy, yet very dangerous, "Buy it with
1- click" button. Love that! ) I know your heart will be
I had bought the book for Emily as a Christmas gift, and
she read it over her break and then graciously left it
behind for me to read. And reading it on the way to China
was the perfect time! Katie's words stirred my soul,
deeply resonated in my heart, and brought me to tears, and
I plan on sharing some excerpts each day in my posts while
we are over here. |

Bill with the HK skyline in the distance

Pam making her first website post |
We arrived in Hong Kong with our 3 pieces of luggage also
all arriving. God is good! AND we didn't even need one of
those handy luggage carts that the China airports so
wonderfully provide. Yes, we are traveling light this
time, and it's really nice. We have one purpose, and one
purpose only on this trip, and that is to bring our
daughter HOME.
Tomorrow morning we leave at 8:00 and will travel by bus
to the GZ airport, where we'll then catch our flight into
Changsha. Not as direct as leaving from Hong Kong, but the
savings was pretty substantial doing it this way, and with
our 3 in college, you gotta do what you've gotta do!
Really though, with just Bill and I traveling, it's not a
difficult thing at all.
I have to say, I've been quite emotional this trip. Maybe
it was the big birthday yesterday, or maybe knowing that
it is our last adoption journey; it's hitting me really
hard. I want to soak up every minute that I'm here. I want
to remember the sights, the smells, and the sounds. I NEED
to do this. FIVE of my children have been born here. I
know we will be back one day, but it will be different
trip. We'll be showing our children the land of their
birth. And God willing, I'll be back here again to serve
"the least of these" as well. But for now, it is this
ADOPTION journey that I want to fully savor. So, as we
walked into the Marriott, the memories came flooding back.
We were here last time on July 3, 2010. Our last stop
before heading home. And BOY were we READY to get home.
After 24 long, hot and hard days in China, we were READY.
But this time, I walked in with the anticipation, of what
will come in just 3 short days! Bill and I dropped our
bags in our room and headed straight to the executive
lounge for some snacks and drinks (ahhh, how nice to be on
our own schedule) and as the door opened, the memory of
Emily and I sitting in that lounge late into the night as
she posted to her blog (and she's set the bar high) came
flooding back. And I have to say, the tears came. And now
it is me trying to post. By myself. While Bill is back in
the room in bed. (he didn't sleep on the flight) It's been
a different journey this time around. But it is good. And
it is right. The tears came again when I opened my emails
just a short while ago. And found one last birthday gift.
Perfectly timed for my arrival in China. This gift was the
gift of words. From my oldest daughter's heart. It's a
gift that I will keep, and as Mary did, ponder it in my
heart. Always.
And so ends the first day. And it has been perfect. And
God is faithful. |
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