About Us
One year after
adopting our daughter from China, myadoptionwebsite was born. Our
desire is to offer adoptive parents an attractive, easy and affordable
way to share your China adoption journey with family and friends through
a personal website.
Our Gotcha Day -
March 14, 2004
The idea was conceived
shortly after returning home from China with our new 13-month-old daughter. While
in China, we had kept family and friends updated by posting pictures and
information to a website we had created months earlier. Many people had begun tracking our
adoption story on the web when we had posted our
daughter's referral pictures, health report and personal characteristics,
which were sent to us by our wonderful agency, Great Wall China
We later discovered that our personal adoption
journey had received hundreds of visits
during our 15-day journey.
Over and over, we were told by family and friends
how much it meant to watch our adoption unfold, both through our
pictures and personal journal. People not only felt
part of the process, they also learned a lot about international
adoption. Knowing that others were impacted by following our
story - this incredibly unique and exciting journey to parenthood -
has been the most rewarding aspect of creating our own adoption
created myadoptionwebsite so that others could share their own
China adoption story with family and friends over the worldwide web.
We create and maintain all of the personal adoption websites that we
host. Those who choose our services simply email us their desired text
and photos. We import your text and resize your photos for placement
on your personal website.
Joe has been working in Communications, Marketing and Broadcasting for
many years. Jennifer worked in Higher Education, and now
oversees myadoptionwebsite - communicating with the families
and posting most of the updates. We both graduated from a small Christian
college in the early nineties with degrees in communications.
Becoming parents through adoption has been the most rewarding,
wonderful experience we could possibly have imagined. If you are
soon to be an adoptive parent, or are perhaps just researching the
process, we wish you all the very best as you journey to your child.