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Trip to China
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Monday, May 14, 2007

Hi everyone! Today was a crazy day! We put Jae down to sleep last night and we were not far behind. She woke up this morning and just played in her crib. After a bottle and some breakfast down stairs, we were off to CAB. There were tons of families there. We met with the director of the Jiangxi Welfare Institute - made our promises to them, had photos taken and after waiting just a little while longer we received our "official" red leather envelope with our final adoption paperwork inside (Yep, it's official).

We made two more stops - one at a notary and the other for Jae's visa and then we were back at the hotel. Nanchung is a city of over 8 million people - and everyone is driving mo-peds, cars or bikes. There aren't any rules when it comes to driving and everyone constantly beeps their horns - it's wild to say the least!

After lunch at our hotel Jin Feng Hotel, Jae laid on the bed and is now napping. We are going to venture out onto the streets in a few minutes and see what we can find! That's all for now!! We love & Miss you all.

With love, from China

Patti & Steve

Jae Lyn eating some breakfast!

Sleepy Time!!

She loves her Daddy!!

Jae and Daddy - she loved this plastic bottle?

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