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Trip to China
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Friday, May 11, 2007

Nee Hao!! (Hello!!)

We finally made it! After leaving Wednesday afternoon at 3:45 we arrived in Guangzhou at 6:30 AM Friday morning, May 11 !!

We had a very uneventful flight, which was fine by us! We didn't leave LA until 3AM (Eastern) time, so needless to say we were very exhausted! A big thanks to Steve Flowers and Vicki Tanner for taking us to the airport and helping us load our mounds of luggage!

In LA, we met up with friends, John and Gale, from Michigan who are also adopting a beautiful little girl - so far we have had a great time with them!

After we met with our Guide, Peter, Steve and I ventured out to enjoy the local scenery! We even saw Starbucks and a 7-11!! It's beautiful here. Women dancing to music in the park, people playing a hacky-sac (sp?) type of game, just enjoying life! Things we don't do enough of! We are going to head out for some lunch and then probably sight see a little more today. Tomorrow we are taking a tour so that should be fun! And, of course, Sunday is the big day!!!

Well, we are off for now!!

With love from China,
Steve & Patti

Us getting ready to leave for airport!

In LA waiting to board Southern China Airlines

Scenery on our way to hotel

View from Hotel Window

Women dancing to music

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