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About Shepherd  View updated photos of Shepherd here!

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. ~ John 14:18

On the morning of October 26, 2007, we woke up with no hint of how this day would change the course of our lives. This was the day that we would see the face of our beautiful son for the first time as God's plan to grow our family was confirmed in our hearts and minds. We were contacted by Karla Thrasher at Lifeline, asking if we would be interested in reviewing the file of a little boy named Guan YuanYang.

Guan YuanYang was found on November 6, 2006 by the roadside of Xiaobian Market in Chang'an Town, Dongguan City. The boy was sent to be raised in the Children's Welfare Institute of Dongguan City. According to the examination results and his development at that time, his dob is estimated on November 4, 2006. He was named Guan YuanYang.

At 1 - 2 months old Guan YuanYang was quick to respond to the surrounding, will be scared or respond if the sound of opening the door of speaking is aloud. He will cry noisily when being hungry and lie on bed quietly when being full. At the age of 3 - 4 months he has richer racial expressions and when he is full after the feeding of the caretaker, he will smile contentedly. He can put his finger into mouth to suck and roll over from back to side. At the age of 5 - 6 months he can pull away the things on his body, support his head up well when sitting with help. His limb's movement is great and often makes noises to attract adults' attention. He can stretch the legs straight when standing with support. He can reach his hands for toys, often kicks the bed with his strong feet when lying on the bed. He can babble.

Guan YuanYang is a lovely boy who is fond of laugh. He usually likes to lie on the bed listening to music and also likes being teased by the caretakers. ~ Dongguan CWI

At 6 months:

height: 65.2 cm
weight: 6.6 kg
head: 41 cm
chest: 41 cm

A tiny heart beats inside your little chest
and every beat is in step with mine.
If I could open my heart like a locket,
a tiny picture of you is what we would find.
~ Thomas Hicks

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