Sunday, June
Piper continues to do great during the day! She is much more
animated and babbles all the time now! Her voice is so cute! She
has this quiet little voice! She is also beginning to laugh when
we laugh. It is so precious! Piper still is having difficulty
sleeping at night! She is waking up many times during the night
and is having night terrors. Erik is having her sleep in bed
with him and taking comforting her during the night, so I can
get a good night of sleep. He worries about the baby and me
getting enough rest! The heat and humidity are starting to wear
me down! It is just so hot here that I am starting to get tired
more easily!
We started our day once again talking with the children. We were
glad to hear that P-man is feeling better! We are so happy that
Sophia and Graham had a great time at Dutch Wonderland. Thanks
Aunt Linda for watching Parker for us! It seems all your love
and attention made him all better! Sophia made us laugh when she
had to put on her new t-shirt from Dutch Wonderland to show us
on skype! We miss the children so much and can't wait to be home
together as a family of six!
We went to breakfast and Piper ate a little bit, but not as much
as she has been eating for breakfast. She loves tater tots and
watermelon! Erik gave her a hard boiled egg to try, but she
didn't want it. She prefers to eat foods that are familiar to
her! She will occasionally try new things, but pretty much
sticks to her favorites! We certainly enjoy the breakfast buffet
at the White Swan. It is the best meal of our day! After
breakfast we took a walk around the island. Piper got her very
first pair of squeaky shoes! She absolutely loves them! We
stopped at Subway for lunch and headed back for our afternoon
nap! We decided to skip the sightseeing tour this afternoon. It
is just too hot for me to be walking around outside. Piper slept
for about an hour and a half. I never really fell asleep, but
did get to rest. Erik took his daily walk around Guangzhou! We
took Piper to the playroom for a little bit this afternoon. She
really loves to play with all of the toys. Her favorite toys are
the blocks. She loves to dump the blocks and put them back in
the bucket. She does this numerous time and then moves on to
something else. She loved the little piano too! She was swaying
and dancing to the music with Erik! Erik also was pushing her
around the playroom on the little ride on toy! She doesn't know
how to move her legs yet to make it go by herself. We headed
back to Lucy's for dinner. We ordered Piper a hamburger and
french fries. She ate a little of the hamburger and many french
fries, but she absolutely loved Erik's spaghetti! She ate quite
a bit of the spaghetti! We were happy to see her eat a big
dinner because she really didn't eat much for breakfast or
lunch! We headed back to the hotel room and gave Piper her bath.
Hopefully, she will get a good night of sleep tonight!
Tomorrow we head back to the medical examination building to
have Piper's TB test checked! It looks to be okay and we are not
anticipating having to get a chest x-ray! Our consulate
appointment is on Tuesday and we receive Piper's visa on
Notes from Dad:
It was good to have a free day to relax. Last night was another
rough one with Piper. She woke up around 2:00 crying and
continued for the next couple of hours. I rocked her and walked
her around to calm her down. I think it's the transition that
has upset her. Sophia had the same difficulties at night for the
first year she was with us - every night around 2:00 she would
wake up screaming and it would take her a long time to calm
The other thing about Piper is that she loves TV. Like, a lot.
When the TV is on she stares at it mesmerized. We think she
watched a good amount of TV with her foster family. If she wakes
up again tonight crying, I'm going to try and use it to try and
calm her down. She'll have some hospital stays coming up and her
love of TV might help that time go a little faster.
The other thing that we've noticed about Piper is that she
coughs whenever she drinks something. We're not sure why - she
might have a tough time swallowing. We've had her drinking from
a straw that we pinch to slow down the flow of liquid. That's
helped somewhat - but she still coughs every time.
Tricia is doing Ok. She walks slowly, snores a lot and her belly
is growing. But she's hanging in there. Everytime we're in a
physically stressful situation (crowded bus, long walk in the
heat, etc), I fear she'll go into labor. A silly fear, but I
mentally try and figure out what I'd do if she did. It takes me
twenty minutes to explain a room service of congee, so I can
only imagine how difficult it would be to say "Please help, my
wife is having a baby!" It would probably look like a game of
It will be good to run again when we get home. My legs get
cramps and hurt - especially at night because I haven't been
running this week. Just reading the last two sentences you'd
think I was a world-class Olympian instead of a middle-aged
jogger with a pudgy belly - but it's true!
Dear Sophia, Graham, and Parker,
We love and miss you so much! Only four more sleeps until we
come home and only five sleeps until we see you! We can't wait
to see you! We are so glad you had so much fun at Dutch
Wonderland! We love your new t-shirt you picked out! We also
loved seeing the pictures of you having fun at Dutch Wonderland.
We were happy that Parker is feeling better! We love you!
Lots of love,
Mommy and Daddy |

Playing with Daddy in the playroom!

This is fun!

Walking along the Pearl River with Daddy!

Yummy noodles!

I liked Daddy's dinner the best!

More Piper cuteness!