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In China
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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Piper had a great day today! She is finally eating and drinking more and we are starting to see her lively personality shine through! Piper went to bed last night at 8:30 PM and slept for awhile. She woke up crying and Erik picked her up and rocked her back to sleep. She slept in bed next to Erik and only woke up occasionally fussing. Erik just had to pat her back and she went right back to sleep. We plan on letting her sleep in our room for awhile until she adjusts to being at home! She will be sharing a room with Sophia and we don't want her waking up Sophia every night!

We started our day out by talking to the children on skype. It really makes us miss our babies at home when we see them and can't give them big hugs and kisses. We miss Sophia sneaking drinks of soda from our cups. We miss Graham naming all of the trucks that we see when we are driving in the car. We miss Parker's big personality and that smile that melts our hearts. We can't wait to see you!

We went to breakfast at the huge buffet in the hotel. Piper ate lots of watermelon for breakfast. She is beginning to eat more and more different foods. That is making us very happy! We figured out that she prefers to drink with a straw at dinner last night. She has drank so much more today since we have been using a straw! We had to meet our guide at 9:30 AM in the lobby to go to the medical exam. We met the other Living Hope family today. They are from Chicago and adopted the cutest little boy! We had to get Piper's visa picture taken first and then we went to the medical exam building. She was scared! There were lots of strange people around and she was holding on tight to us! We went to the surgery/medical station first. The doctor listened to her heart and pushed on her stomach and feet. We had to e-mail him Piper's file because I couldn't remember all the heart conditions Piper has and he needed to include them in the medical report for the Consulate appointment on Tuesday! Next, we headed to the ENT station. They squeaked a toy and hit a few keys on the piano to see if Piper turned her head. She passed the quick hearing test. The nurse did look in her ears and in her mouth and Piper didn't like that very much! Last, we headed to the weight, height, and temperature station. Piper weighs a whopping 18 pounds fully clothed! She weighed the least of the three children in our travel group! She was 82 cm tall which I think was a little generous! She wasn't the most cooperative patient since they took her from me to weight and measure her! We had to also get her TB test done. Any child who is over two years old has to have a TB test done before they can enter the United States. Her arm looks fine so far. Parker's arm immediately had a reaction, so we are thinking Piper will be okay and not need to get the chest x-ray on Monday! After the medical exam we went back to the hotel to get the paperwork ready for our U.S. Consulate appointment on Tuesday! Erik took Piper to the playroom with Zach and Brooklyn and the girls "played" while both of their Mommy's did the paperwork. We headed to lunch at Lucy's again. We knew Piper would eat the white rice there and we wanted to be sure she ate something for lunch. We headed back to our room and Piper and I took a nap while Erik took a walk.

We took a walk around the Island and took Piper to the playground. We don't think she had ever been to a playground before and boy did she love it! She went down the slide too many times to count. Erik held both of her hands because she was a little unsteady on the slide by herself. I think Sophia, Graham, and Parker are going to love being her helper at the playground. She had so much fun! It was so great to hear her laughing and see that beautiful smile on her face! We ate dinner at Lucy's again! I know we keep eating at the same place, but Piper is doing so well eating her rice and french fries that we don't want to change where we eat yet! Piper not only ate her rice and french fries for dinner, but she ate some of Erik's spaghetti and some of my hamburger! We were so excited to see her eat so much! It is by far the most she has eaten since we met her on Gotcha Day!! We bought her ice cream after dinner. We need to fatten our girl up! We took Piper to the playroom after she ate her ice cream. It isn't the same in the playroom without Parker and Iris in there!

We hope that tomorrow is another good day for Piper!! We sure love this little girl more each day! We are so blessed to call her our daughter!!

Notes from Dad:
I think things are looking up. Yesterday was probably our low point - Piper cried a good part of the previous night and we were exhausted. Today was better - we all had a good night sleep and Piper seems happier than she has been. Piper still woke up crying 5 or 6 times last night, but we were able to comfort and calm her down pretty quickly - so we're Ok with that. I think we'll be happy once we get home and can get Piper to the Dr's. It will be good to get her diagnosis confirmed and understand next steps. It was really, really hot here this morning, but afternoon thunderstorms reduced the temperature and humidity. Unfortunately, I took a long walk this afternoon and got caught in the downpour.  Next time I need to remember that darn umbrella!

Dear Sophia, Graham, and Parker,
We miss you and love you! We hope Parker is feeling better soon! Sophia and Graham~We hope you have fun at Dutch Wonderland today! We can't wait to see what what t-shirt you picked out! We can't wait to see you! Piper loves the playground! She really likes going down the slide! Daddy also gave Piper her first peanut butter cup tonight and she loved it!! We love you!

Lots of love,
Mommy and Daddy

Today I got my Adoption Barbie gift from the hotel!

Getting my TB test

My first trip down the slide!

I gave Dad all the stuffed animals I could find

My first hamburger!

Mommy and Me!


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