Wednesday, June
Piper is doing much better today! She was a lot more lively, but
she is still very scared! She has a very sweet personality! We
are more in love with her every day!
This morning started early! Piper went to bed last night at 9:00
PM and slept until 4:00 AM. She woke up crying! I held her and
put her in bed with us and she fell back to sleep until 5:00 AM.
She woke up crying again! I gave her some juice and crackers! I
figured she must be hungry since she really didn't eat
yesterday! We played on the bed for about 45 minutes. She was
laughing and clapping! It was so cute! I gave her some more
juice and rocked her back to sleep by 6:00 AM. She slept until
around 7:00 AM. I didn't really go back to sleep after waking up
with her, but I sure wanted to go back to sleep!!
We talked with the three children on skype again this morning!
We love seeing our babies at home each morning!! The connection
to skype isn't the greatest here, but it is great to see the
children. They were very excited to see Piper this morning! I
know they are going to love her too! We headed to breakfast!
Piper did a pretty good job eating this morning. She loved the
peaches and watermelon! She also ate some of the watery yogurt!
We tried so many different things, but she would turn her head
away! We were just happy to see her eat something! She seems to
do better if she eats small snacks all day long instead of three
big meals! She is just so tiny and frail!
We went to the pavilion today near our hotel! Piper did well in
the van today! She did not get sick because she fell asleep on
the way to the pavilion and on the way back to the hotel! It was
so hot! I kept fanning her to keep her cool! The pavilion had
six floors! We took the elevator up to the sixth floor and then
we walked down and explored each level of the pavilion! We
watched a show on the top floor! This is where we discovered
that Piper loves to dance! She was so cute dancing to the music!
I was glad I brought lots of water to keep cool! We enjoyed
learning about the cultural history of Piper's province! We
bought Sophia and Piper a necklace! Piper slept the entire way
home and I was able to put her down for an afternoon nap. She
slept about an hour and a half. While Piper was sleeping, Erik
walked with Zach to McDonald's to get some lunch. They also
stopped at the RT Market to pick up a few things! Erik found
some apple and banana baby food for Piper. She ate about half the
jar. She also loved the french fries from McDonald's! I took a
nap and Erik spent some quality time with Piper! See Notes from
Dad below for detail of Piper and Daddy's afternoon together!!
She really loves her Daddy just like her sister and brothers
Erik let me sleep for three hours! I was so tired after not
getting a full night of sleep! We all walked to McDonald's for
dinner again. We got Piper her first happy meal! She ate about
half a chicken nugget and some french fries! We went to the RT
Market to get more baby food and a bottle for Piper. We think
she still uses a bottle. We will see tonight it having a bottle
before bed helps her to sleep through the night! We let her pick
out a toy to buy. She picked out a stacking rings toy and
absolutely loves it! Erik and her are playing with it now! She
is putting the rings on her arms! Erik also put on a music video
station and the two of them are dancing around the room!
Piper is such a good little girl! We are so blessed that she was
chosen to be our daughter! We are still concerned that she is
not eating enough. She only had two wet diapers all day today!
We hope tomorrow she will continue to eat more! We are enjoying
spending this time with her and getting to know her! We think
she is the perfect addition to our family! We love you Piper
Notes from Dad:
We got to know Piper a little bit better today. She was pretty
terrified yesterday - I think it was a pretty traumatic day for
her. Today I spent some quality time with her while Tricia
slept. We played with the iPad, danced to Chinese music videos
on TV, kicked a beach ball down the hallway, played with Play
Dough and colored with crayons. For the most part, she's pretty
quiet - but when she laughs she has a great smile. She is
really, really thin - we spend most of the day trying to get her
to eat. She did eat - but still not a lot. I'm not sure if she
is too scared to eat or if it's something else. I bought her
some baby food today (apple and banana). I think she liked it.
I also bought her a small cup of mango ice Cream ($8 for a tiny
cup!) She really like the ice cream, so I guess it was worth the
money. She is so thin - I carried her for 90 minutes this
morning and hardly felt it - we've really need to get her to
beef up a little! She's a little fragile - Tricia and I are
going to have to talk to Sophs, Graham and Parker and make sure
they are easy on her. Our kids can play pretty rough at times.
On today's trip to the Pavillion I was really conscious of Piper
and Tricia. It was really hot and there was a lot of walking to
be done. I had a vision of Tricia going into premature labor in
this 1,400 yr old home while Piper toddled down the many stairs
we had to descend. Luckily neither happened - I just don't want
to land in the 'odd stories' link of Yahoo.
Dear Sophia, Graham, and Parker,
We love and miss you very much! We are glad you liked your paint
with water books we left for you today! It was so nice to see
you this morning! I know you were so excited to see you little
sister on the computer! Sophia~We bought you a special present
today! Graham~We took pictures of diggers for you today!
Parker~We heard you were the best dancer at Eric and Ethan's
concert! We are so proud of you for doing such a great job!! We
can't wait to see you tomorrow! We love you!!
Lots of love,
Mommy and Daddy |

Piper and Brooklyn at the Pavilion

Piper Dancing to the Music!

I Love my Daddy!

The Pavilion

So Beautiful!

My First Happy Meal! |