Tuesday, June 7,
Today was a very special day for us! We became a family of six!
Piper is beautiful and we are so in love with her!!! She is
extremely tiny and thin! We are a little concerned about her! We
can't wait to get her home to see our doctors! She is very weak
in her legs and is unsteady on her feet. Her fine motor skills
seem to be okay. She is adorable! She is friendly and loves
Our day began by talking with Sophia, Graham, and Parker on
skype! It is the best way to begin our day! We miss them all
very much! After breakfast we took a ten minute walk to the RT
Mart to do some shopping. We bought some water, soda, and food
for us and some juice and food for Piper! We weren't there for
long because we had to get back to the hotel by 11:30 for the
Chryst Family's Gotcha Day! We took pictures and video for them
and they did the same for us! It is so great to have them with
us! There daughter Brooklyn is adorable and such a happy little
baby!! We were so glad we could share this special time with
them! Erik and I both took a nap until it was time to go meet
We walked five minutes to the Civil Affairs Office and waited
about a half hour before Piper arrived! She rode on a high speed
train from Pingxing City. It took about two hours by train, but
it would have taken four hours by car! We were told that she got
sick on the train! She was brought by the Orphanage Director, an
orphanage worker, and her foster mother. We were surprised to
see her foster mother with Piper. They took Piper from her
foster mother and handed her to me. She cried and cried and
cried! I walked her around the very hot room and gave her some
juice. She did calm down after awhile! My heart was completely
broken for Piper as well as her foster mother!
We had to get our
family picture taken for Piper's adoption register and she was
still crying in our family picture. They needed a picture for
her Chinese passport, but she was still crying. They asked her
foster mother to hold her to get the picture and then handed
Piper back to me! She cried and cried again! It was so hard to
see Piper so upset! Her little heart was beating so fast!!
finished up the paperwork and headed to the police station. As
we were driving in the van, Piper got sick all over her clothes
and me! She also got sick on her baby doll too! Poor baby! She
just was having an awful day! I took off her first layer of
clothing and cleaned her up the best I could being that we were
in a van! She finally fell asleep in my arms before we arrived
at the police station. Unfortunately, I had to wake her up to
have her picture taken at the police station. We left the police
station and headed for the notary to finish up the paperwork.
She got sick again in the van, but this time Erik and I were
We left the notary and went right to our hotel. I gave
her a bath to clean her up. She loved the bubble bath and we saw
our first smile. She has this adorable overbite that just melts
our hearts! She played on the floor with the stickers and
crayons we brought for her! We tried to get her to play with the
beach ball, but she wasn't interested yet! We ordered pizza for
dinner with the help from our guide. We ordered Piper congee
(watery rice mixture). She didn't eat much for dinner and that
makes us a little worried. She ate a couple crackers and some
gold fish. She took a few bites of pizza. She did drink some
juice. We gave her some type of drink before bed that her foster
mother sent with her. Our guide mentioned when she dropped off
our pizza that Piper needed a bottle before bed. That is why we
fed her the drink from her foster mother. I held her and she
fell asleep in my arms. I put her in the crib and she has been
sleeping for about an hour. We will let you know how our first
night went with Piper tomorrow!
Tomorrow we are scheduled to go to see a pavilion. We will
decide in the morning if we will go or not. I really don't want
Piper getting sick in the van again. I asked our guide if there
was some kind of motion sickness medicine to give Piper. It is
going to be a long 12 hour flight to Chicago and a two hour
flight to Philadelphia if Piper is sick the whole time!!
Notes from Dad:
I think Tricia covered all of the bases in her review of the
day. It was sad to see Piper so upset; her throwing up in the
van made us feel ever worse for her. I think things will get
better though - Sophia was pretty distraught when we met her as
well, but things eased up a little the second day. I'm sure the
same thing will happen for Piper as well. I wish she ate more
today - but maybe it was all of the anxiety. We'll work on that
more tomorrow.
Dear Sophia, Graham, and Parker,
We love and miss you very much! We loved taking with your this
morning on the computer. We hope you had fun at Eric and Ethan's
concert tonight! We can't wait to hear all about it!
Sophia~Piper loves the Sleeping Beauty doll you sent for her!
Graham~We still haven't seen any big trucks in China yet!!
Parker~I sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star to Piper tonight.
She will love to hear you sing to her! We know Piper will love
her big sister and two big brothers!!!!
Lots of love,
Mommy and Daddy! |

Our first glimpse of Piper!

Picture with orphanage staff and foster mother!

It's Official!
Piper is ours in the eyes of the Chinese Government!

A Very Sad Piper!

Our Precious Piper!

So Cute! |