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Trip to China
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today turned out to be pretty uneventful. Our guide asked us to stay in the room while she went to the consulate to make sure our paperwork was in order. By the time she returned it was lunchtime and Maili had become cranky and ready for a nap. After that we didn’t really do anything, just hung out around the hotel room for the rest of the afternoon. We thought we were going to go to the consulate ourselves today but it turned out we won’t have to go until tomorrow for our swearing in ceremony.
Special message for Mrs. Tate’s 4th grade class from Holt:  I can’t wait to get back to the United States to see everyone. I hope everyone’s doing ok and I miss you guys. I will bring you all back a special surprise.    Love, Holt
Special message to Hayley, Logan, and Lacey:  China is really cool. I wish you were here. See you soon . . . Love, Holt

Daddy's getting better at this

How do I look?

We need a smaller potty


All dressed up and nowhere to go

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