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Trip to China
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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today was our consulate appointment where we had our swearing in ceremony. There were 37 adoptive families in out group and we all had to take an oath together promising that all of the information we provided was true and correct and then we received our child’s visa which allows her to enter the US. She will officially become an American citizen when her feet touch American soil, thanks to the paperwork we completed today.

After the ceremony we met up with our travel group at the White Swan Hotel for the traditional red couch photos. The kids weren’t entirely cooperative but we did manage to get a few decent shots of each family. Maili was easily bribed with crackers to pose for her photos-that girl does love her food! After that we all headed to Lucy’s for one last group dinner together. Then we hit the streets for some last minute shopping and headed back to the hotel to begin the enormous task of stuffing all of our belongings and souvenirs into the suitcases for the trip home. Departure is at 8:30 AM and we will be on NW airlines flight NW672 from Minneapolis St Paul arriving at 4:48PM. It will be SO good to be home!

Not quite awake yet

Ready to become an American Citizen

I'm ready for my closeup

Classic Holt

Little Emperor and Empress

The obligatory Red Couch photo

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