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The Paperchase

July 2007 - Requested information packets from several adoption agencies, including America World Adoption Agency

August 2007- Made the decision to expand our family through adoption from China

September 2007- Attended Spirit of Adoption Seminar by America World and made the decision to apply to AWAA

September 27 -Application to AWAA was approved

October 1 - Applied for Passports

October 12 - Got Background Checks and fingerprints from local police dept

October 16 - Began homestudy process

October 29 - Septic Tank Inspection for homestudy

November 9 -Everyone got physicals and shots, even the animals

November 24 - Homestudy completed

December 11 - Mailed application to USCIS and began the certification process for all documents except the 171-H

January 10, 2008 - Added our names to AWAA’s interested families list for waiting children, requesting female age 0-4 with minor correctible special needs

January 15 - Fingerprints done and documents sent to USCIS for processing

February 20 - Received 171-H from USCIS

March 5 - Received the famous “Brown Envelope” from Chinese Consulate

March 10 - Dossier sent to AWAA for review and authentication

March 14 - FINALLY DTC!! We are in travel group 350.

March 19 - Our official Log In Date

May 9 - Requested referral review of a file for a 2 ½ year old girl on the waiting child list but returned the file. We both felt that this was not our daughter. The wait continues..

June 12 - REFERRAL!! Surprise call came from Melissa at AWAA with the file of a 3 year old girl for us to review. She is beautiful and healthy and her birthday is the day before Holt’s. This is definitely our daughter.

June 13 - Letter of Intent sent to AWAA accepting the referral of LuXinMei

June 27 - Received Pre-Approval to adopt Lu XinMei

September 9 - Letter of Acceptance received, granting us permission to make Lu XinMei our daughter

TBA - Travel Arrangements to go to China and bring Maili home

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