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Trip to China
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Today was a sightseeing and shopping day. We started with a group tour of a Chinese Folk Art Museum, where we saw many beautiful examples of Chinese handicrafts, including intricate carvings and embroidery. After that the group split up and the other families headed back to the hotel for the kids to nap. Our family took a taxi over to Shamian Island, where we spent the remainder of the day shopping and bargaining with the local shopkeepers. Any time we attempted to walk away or balked at a price they would follow us out of the store lowering the price and trying to lure us back in. We got some really neat stuff for some pretty good prices and hopefully we have managed to get a good selection of items for Maili to have as she gets older to remember her country. We are trying to get enough small gifts to have one to give her each year on her gotcha day anniversary until she turns 18 but we haven’t quite found that many yet. Luckily prices are reasonable on the island and hopefully we will be able to finish our shopping tomorrow when we return for our consulate appointment.

We are pretty sure Jamie almost got pickpocketed today; luckily we were able to see what was going on and avoid an incident. As we were walking up to the White Swan hotel a Nigerian guy stopped Jamie to talk to him and began to walk along with us, asking about Maili and where we were from, even asking for his cell phone number to call him. He pretty much followed him up to the hotel talking, where from nowhere another guy appeared on Jamie’s other side trying to distract him. Unfortunately Jamie’s pocket flap had the button missing and his wallet was hanging out the back in a rather obvious manner and I’m sure that’s what attracted their attention in the first place. He figured out what they were up to and cut the conversation short and took off into the hotel, where they tried to follow us a little ways and then we finally lost them. Definitely they were up to no good; the crime rate is generally low in China but then again these guys were not Chinese nationals.

Tomorrow we head to the US consulate, where we will pick up Maili’s visa which will allow her to enter the US. On Thursday we have our swearing in ceremony where we promise to love her and take care of her always and they will give us her final paperwork to go home. China has been fun, particularly Guangzhou, but we are ready to sleep in our own beds and eat some American food. Maili already loves American food, especially French fries dipped in ketchup. She also loves shopping and SHOES, could this girl be any more perfect for this mommy? She picks out new shoes everywhere she goes and sleeps with her favorite pair beside her pillow since we won’t let her sleep with them on her feet. She is suddenly showing interest in jewelry as well- the first few days she refused to let me put jewelry of any kind on her and suddenly she wants to buy every bracelet and necklace she sees. Of course her Daddy can’t resist and buys them for her when she asks. She is getting quite the collection of jewelry to bring home with her and so is Holt. He has managed to talk us into quite a few pendants and bracelets and even a ring. He is partial to jade while Maili prefers cloisonné. I guess we should be thankful they’re not into diamonds . . .

Meme and Pa on Shamian Island

Holt of the jungle

This girl loves her noodles

Holt and Maili made a new friend

Travel group friends

Trying her bow on Pa

How cool am I?

Newest members of the Holt fan club

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