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Trip to China
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Monday, November 10, 2008

Today turned out to be one of the more relaxing and enjoyable days we’ve had since coming to China. We didn’t have to be anywhere until mid afternoon so after breakfast we joined another adoptive family and walked down to the neighborhood park, where we hung out and let the kids play for a couple of hours. The park was huge, with many gardens and an amusement park area with rides in addition to a really neat playground with what almost looked like exercise equipment for young and old alike.

We grabbed a quick lunch when we got back to the hotel and then rode a van with our guide over to Shamien Island, where we had Maili’s medical exam and then did a little shopping. Holt stayed at the hotel with MeMe and Pa so no photos of him to post today. We ate dinner at Lucy’s on the island, where we enjoyed some American food and southern style iced tea. The kids all played hacky sack in the courtyard after dinner and Maili had a great time playing with the big kids. She seems to get along well with other kids and definitely prefers older kids for some reason instead of kids her age. Maybe it’s because she can convince them to pick her up and carry her. She is definitely accustomed to being carried and we have to make her walk, she certainly does not choose to do so. Her receptive language is growing every day and she has learned a few signs to tell us what she wants. We are pretty sure she understands most of what we say but she still has selective hearing when she doesn’t want to do what we want her to do! There were lots of other adoptive families on the island and we ran into a few that we had met before. It was neat seeing how each of the kids has changed over the course of a week; they’ve all adapted well and their individual personalities are coming out.

Maili cried for us for the first time tonight; we were going to leave her in MeMe and Pa’s room for a few minutes to run downstairs and for the first time she actually noticed we weren’t in the room and started calling for us and crying (of course we went back to get her immediately). Previously she has been content to go or stay with anyone and hasn’t seemed to miss us. I think she is finally beginning to realize we are her parents and we aren’t going away. She seemed to like us and be happy to be with us from the beginning but she was also happy to be with anyone else who would hold her or play with her and would run up to strangers on the street asking them to hold her. We’ve noticed that she hasn’t done that since she’s been in Guangzhou, in fact, she stays pretty close to us even in crowds now and mostly prefers for one of us to be holding her unless she is in the stroller. She is also beginning to throw a few tantrums when she doesn’t get her way but they don’t last long and then she will let us hold her and comfort her when she’s done pitching a fit. We have some work ahead of us in the sharing department but that will come with time.

Good Morning Sunshine!

Sharing a cookie with a friend


Talking with the doctor

Chatting with the locals

On the move

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