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Trip to China
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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Today was a free day in Guangzhou except for a little paperwork we had to complete for Maili’s visa. We met up with one of the other families in our travel group who adopted a daughter slightly older than Maili and spent some time letting the kids play in the hotel play area. It was nice to let them get out and run around since they have been cooped up in hotel rooms for over a week.

After the paperwork was done, we rented a stroller from the hotel lobby and hit the streets of Guangzhou on foot. We discovered an awesome 2 story underground shopping complex that covered an area of at least four city blocks. The above ground buildings were dedicated to one type of garment like jeans or underwear. Imagine four floors of jeans. It was a shopper’s dream! Of course the kids each had to pick out an outfit from the local wares; it was interesting to see what they came up with. Shoes in particular were very reasonably priced so Holt picked up a couple of pairs of tennis shoes which were quite unlike any I’ve seen in the States.

After shopping we came back to the room and ordered room service since we were all too tired to go out. Maili put away some serious servings of noodles; I think I am going to have to learn to cook noodles and fried rice when we get home. She eats pretty much anything but she definitely has a preference for those two items. She eats twice as much as Holt at most meals but that’s not saying much since food is definitely not a priority with him. She must be really tired because as soon as she finished eating she headed straight for her bed and was sound asleep in minutes without even being told to go to bed.

She is still very independent which in some ways is a good thing but at the same time we want her to know she can depend on us to meet her needs now so we try to do things for her that we know she is accustomed to doing for herself. She is letting us feed her and help her dress and undress now when in the beginning she insisted on doing everything all by herself and would get upset if we tried to help her. We are seeing small signs that she is beginning to trust us more. She will let me put her belongings in my bag to take with us and she knows that she will get them back when she is ready. She will even leave things in the room all day instead of taking everything with her everywhere we go so we know she is learning that we are bringing her back with us and they will be there when she returns.

Tomorrow we have her medical exam on Shamian Island and then some shopping with the group. Hopefully they will give her some cough medicine while we are there; She had a bit of a cough when we got her and it has gotten a little worse over the past few days. Nothing to be too concerned about but I know she would feel better if her nose weren’t constantly running and her cough didn’t wake her up at night.

Check out our new shirts

Let's take this thing for a test drive

I really do not like this bow

Making friends at the mall

Taking the baby for a ride

Modeling the latest in Guangzhou fashion

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