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Trip to China
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Saturday, November 8, 2008

First of all, my apologies for the delay in posting pictures yesterday. For some reason the internet would not cooperate and after many many MANY tries I never could get more pictures to go through so I finally gave up and went to bed. Hopefully the problem is resolved now so be sure to go back and check out the ones from yesterday which are now posted. I know that’s the only reason yall check out the site anyway, not to read about what we’ve been up to but to check out pictures of that adorable little imp, I mean girl.

Thanks for all of your prayers for our flight today, Maili did beautifully. Honestly, she couldn’t have been better. She sat quietly in her seat (well, except for a few giggles) for the entire three hours and looked at books, colored pictures, and watched a movie. It was amazing considering, as Jamie pointed out, that she usually has the attention span of a gnat. She has been more affectionate today, even pushing Holt out of my lap while he was kissing me just to give me kisses herself and look at him as if to say “MY mommy”

They are already acting like true siblings, complete with elbowing, poking, shoving, and toy snatching. She really knows how to push his buttons and vice versa.

She did much better today at staying in her seat at restaurants as well; we’re pretty sure she’s never been expected to do so and it’s been a learning experience for all of us. We will both be happy to get back to the good ol’ US where the restaurants have high chairs, it would certainly make things a little easier. We are definitely planning on purchasing one when we get home, or at least a booster seat with a seatbelt.

We ate at the hotel restaurant tonight which had an awesome seafood buffet with many interesting dishes. Jamie and Holt got a little adventurous, as you can see from the photos. Holt tried some kidney soup (we’re not sure of the origin of those kidneys!) and Jamie had a baby octopus. We tried to convince Pa that he should try the braised ox tails but he wasn’t feeling quite up to it so he had a hamburger instead. We were serenaded at our table during the meal by a Chinese trio who sang “Country Roads, take me home” and a Jimmy Buffet song. Kinda made us all a little homesick. We are having a blast but I think we are all missing home a bit. We are looking forward to our week in Guangzhou, though.

Watching big brother do homework

The beautiful view from our window

Look who's finally wearing a hairbow

Well ok, so maybe I had to
bribe her a little to wear the bow

Yummy kidney soup

The octopus Jamie ate (yes, really)

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