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Trip to China
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Friday, November 7, 2008

Today was pretty laid back; our guide asked us to stay in the room until she could go to the police station to pick up Maili’s passport and bring it to us to check for accuracy one last time. We spent the day in the room resting and packing for our morning flight to Guangzhou. Later in the afternoon we received the translation of the journal kept by Maili’s foster family. It is obvious that they loved her very much and wanted the best for her. I was able to send them photos online yesterday through a third party so that they could see that she is happy and well. Michelle picked us up in the evening to take us for a walk down the street to a local restaurant, where the food was excellent and we got a private room. I wish we had discovered this restaurant several days ago; it was much better than the hotel food we have been subjected to.

Maili has been her usual active, charming self today. She is still testing the limits but not as much as yesterday.

She seems to be starting to get the concept that no means no but she still feels the need to check occasionally. She will start to do something she knows she is not supposed to do and then stop right before she does it instead of going through with it like she has been doing. Of course poor Holt is good and fed up with her antics and ready to send her back to the orphanage. He has tried to be patient with her but today his patience is wearing thin and like most big brothers he is wishing he was once again an only child. She wants to copy everything he does and hold his hand to go everywhere but now that the novelty of that has worn off he’s a little put out by the whole thing. He likes being able to escape to Meme and Pa’s room when it gets to be too much for him. Unfortunately Maili is usually right behind him since she loves to go visit them in their room. When that happens he will try to leave her in there and come back to the room for some special time with Mom and Dad. I know it must be difficult for him not to be the center of attention all the time now. Being a big brother is hard work, according to him.

I think we will all be glad for a change of scenery tomorrow when we move on to Guangzhou to join the other families in our travel group. Holt will have other kids to play with once again and it will be fun to swap stories and share experiences with the other newly formed adoptive families. We have only run into one other adoptive family in Tianjin, a family I met online who are with another agency and adopted a little boy from the same orphanage. They will be traveling to Guangzhou tomorrow as well but we may not run into them again since they are at a different hotel.

By tomorrow’s post we will be in Guangzhou. Hopefully the connection will be better there, since it has been rather unpredictable here. On a positive note, my blackberry decided to begin receiving e-mails again; it suddenly dumped 28 messages on me after two days of being offline. I have no idea what was up with that but it is great to be receiving guestbook comments and e-mails instantly again so keep them coming.

I like my new necklace

Mirror mirror on the wall

Playing with the ball

Catching bubbles

This is fun!


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