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Trip to China
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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yesterday’s text didn’t go through but it's posted now. Our internet has been off an on for the last couple of days and for some reason e-mail won’t come through on the phone either. I feel as though we’ve been cut off from the rest of the world today; we’ve been accustomed to getting e-mails and guestbook messaged instantly and suddenly we’re not anymore. But keep them coming, we will surely get them eventually.

Holt was feeling much better today so we walked down to Ancient Culture Street to do some shopping. We found some really neat stuff but we had to be very selective about what we purchased due to weight limitations on in-country flights. Hopefully we’ll be able to buy more in Guangzhou since international flight requirements aren’t as strict.

Our guide Michelle took us to a restaurant in the city, which cost less for 6 people than Meme and Pa paid for their dinner for two last night at the hotel. We will definitely be searching out local restaurants from now on. The problem is that the menus are not written in English and unless our guide is with us we have no idea what we’re ordering. We’ve been trying to get up the nerve to just go into one of those restaurants on our own and take our chances by just pointing to random menu items but we haven’t gotten that brave yet. It might be an interesting experience, though.

Maili MeiMei, as we are now calling her, is still doing well, although she is testing the limits a little more now that she is more comfortable with us. She will touch things she has been told not to touch while looking at us to see what we will do. She can be very stubborn at times and we’re pretty sure she’s never been told no up to this point. She is learning what she can and can’t get away with, that’s for sure. She has continued to make progress with understanding directions we give her in English, and of course her first new word today was “NO”, which she told Jamie when he tried to close the bathroom door with her outside. She loves to take a bath and asks for one whenever anyone else goes into the bathroom.

Tomorrow is a paperwork day so we will mostly stay in the room and wait for our guide to tell us if everything is in order.

In Maili's home city of Tianjin

Teaching dad how to use chopsticks

Another adoring fan

Trying on mom's glasses and Holt's hat

Goofing with Dad

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