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Trip to China
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We were supposed to go shopping today with our guide on Ancient Culture Street, the local market area. However, plans got changed when Holt began throwing up after dinner and continued long into the night. So we mostly stayed in the room all day so that he could catch up on his rest and he finally was able to eat about 7 tonight after avoiding food all day. He seems to be feeling better now so hopefully we will be able to go tomorrow. We did get brave and catch a cab to the local Wal-Mart, where we picked up a few necessities and some McDonald’s to take back to the room. I must say, those golden arches never looked so good! I have never cared for fast food, particularly from there, but I was more than happy to eat that hamburger tonight since it was such a nice change from room service. It seems that much of what we order gets lost in the translation-last night for example, I asked for some ketchup and somehow ended up with two pieces of toast!

Maili continues to adjust well- she seems to understand the majority of what we say to her and is picking up new words pretty quickly. She has an impish sense of humor and laughs at everything, particularly when she can trick you into doing something. Her favorite trick is to distract you by pretending to open her arms for a big hug and then grab whatever she is not supposed to have when you lift your arms to hug her back. She gets a big kick out of that one.

I was putting Holt to bed and gave him hugs and kisses and told him “Wo ai Ni” which means I love you. She is rarely affectionate unless it is on her own terms but we want her to see us being loving and affectionate with Holt so I try to use phrases she can understand. She jumped up out of her bed and ran across the room with her arms outstretched and said “Wo ai ni, mama” and melted my heart. She can be so sweet and adorable when she wants to be. She is still testing limits by throwing things across the room and flipping the tv on and off when we tell her not to. We have begun putting toys in time out when she throws them and she has cut down on that a lot today. She will pout when she doesn’t get her way and then peek at us out of the corner of her eye to gauge our reaction.

Not many pictures to post today but I’ll dig up a few from yesterday. You will notice she is wearing her jacket in most of them; she insists on keeping it buttoned up over her clothes whether we are inside or out, I think she is just more comfortable with more layers. She still insists on carrying most of her new toys with her when we leave the room, she is not quite comfortable letting them out of her sight. She did make it out the door to breakfast without all of them in tow this morning, so we are making progress. She is slowly beginning to realize that when we leave the room we will come back and her belongings will still be there when we return. In the beginning she insisted on taking EVERYTHING with her each time we left, I think she thought we were taking her back to the orphanage. Now she is down to taking a few prized belongings and she will allow us to help her carry them instead of hanging on to them for dear life. One step at a time, I guess.

Learning photography basics from Meme

Feeding pa crackers

Happy girl playing with BaBa

Poor Holt wasn't feeling well today

Meme and Mei Mei reading together

Dancing around in new pj's

You're cracking me up!

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