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Trip to China
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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today was mostly a paperwork day. We started out at the notary, went to the police station, then the civil affairs office, off to the orphanage, and back to the notary. Hopefully everything is in order for Maili’s passport to be ready by Friday. Holt spent the day with MeMe and Pa while Jamie and I, along with Maili, were dragged all over town to pay fees and sign papers.

She went to bed last night without a hitch and slept all night long, so she was in a pretty good mood this morning. She never cried at all, just followed along with us wherever we went and smiled and talked to everyone she met. She definitely is easygoing and friendly. We did get to visit the orphanage and meet her foster father. She was obviously well loved and taken care of and we are so grateful that they seem to have prepared her for her new family. She cried briefly when he talked to her and told her goodbye, then she got very quiet for about half an hour, during which she didn’t want either of us to touch her or talk to her. After that she seemed to accept that she was going to stay with us and went back to being her silly, happy self. She has kept us in stitches with her antics all day, and finally warmed up to Holt to the point that she would only walk down the hall holding his hand and no one else’s . She has had an obvious preference for Jamie carrying her everywhere but we were finally able to get her to walk by holding Holt’s hand and after that they went everywhere together.

She has just taken everything in stride in an amazing way, it’s hard to believe she’s only been part of our family for two days. By the end of the day today she was following several new directions in English and putting all of her stuff away in the room where she had seen me put it last night. She went straight to bed tonight and was sound asleep in 2 minutes without even a whimper. I keep waiting for the worst case scenario we had prepared ourselves for, particularly after her seeing her foster father for the last time today. But she seems to be happy to be with us and has not spent time dwelling on her loss yet, although we do expect some grieving process at some point. We are blessed that she has adjusted so well and appreciate everyone’s prayers and support through the signing of the guestbook. I know it will mean a lot to her when she gets older to read your comments and know how much she is loved by people who haven’t even met her yet.

Maili's first bath

Let's see what's on today

l love my new outfit!

How cute am I?

Hey mom. I think she likes me!

Learning how to be a big brother

Smiley girl

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