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Trip to China
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Monday, November 3, 2008

We got to the orphanage and there were lots of kids out in the courtyard playing. I tried to take as many pictures as I could in case any Tianjin families might recognize their children. We were taken into a room to wait for her and she came in holding the orphanage director’s hand. She didn’t really show any response at all to us, she just seemed to be in shock and stared straight ahead. Our guide spoke to her in Chinese and asked her to come with us and we were whisked away in a van to check into our hotel.

On the way over she just stared straight ahead and wouldn’t look at the guide or respond when she was spoken to. She looked sad and confused but she never cried or whimpered, just sat there bravely and rode away from all she’d ever known.

When we arrived at the hotel we sat her in a large throne in the lobby so that we could sign papers and check in. She became fascinated with Jamie’s camera and began looking at the pictures on it and saying “Mama and BaBa” . We got her first smile when she realized that the camera would flash and take a picture when she pressed the button. After that she took pictures of everyone in the lobby and quickly learned how to review the pictures by pressing the camera button.

After getting into the room it was less than 20 minutes before she began playing with us and acting silly. Since then she has been wide open, non stop. She giggles at everything and loves to play and act silly. The trick will be to calm her down long enough to take a nap. She began calling us Mama and Baba almost immediately and is constantly demanding our attention by calling our names. If I tell her no she will go to Jamie and say BABA over and over to get his attention. Of course he is eating it up, we were both afraid she may be shy around men and not bond with him as quickly but that seems to not be the case. If anything, she seeks him out more because he makes her laugh, and she is constantly laughing and playing.

She will repeat what we say in English and is already following simple directions like “give the ball to Baba” and “go get your cup”. She seems to have a few word of English she uses spontaneously, such as here, yeah, and cup. I wonder if someone may have taught them to her at some point, surely she didn’t pick them up that quickly from us. But she is definitely a fast learner, she will watch us do something once and imitate it perfectly; we will certainly have to watch what we do from now on! She is into everything and we have some serious babyproofing to do when we get home.

Holt is very excited to be a big brother and keeps talking about how cute she is but I think he is feeling a little left out since she mainly interacts with us and won’t have much to do with him yet.

She is very possessive of the few belongings she brought with her and I think she is afraid he is going to take them. She moves them around the room wherever she goes to make sure no one will get them. I haven’t been able to convince her to part with some of the clothes she was wearing even though she is wearing about 4 layers and a coat and shoes. We’ll try again when she is more comfortable, I guess. Well that’s all for now, I know all you care about is the pictures anyway!

Can't go wrong with M&Ms

Checking out her new big brother

Starting to warm up

No more monkeys jumpin' on the bed!

Daddy, Mei Mei and Holt

Looking sad on the ride to the hotel

Getting silly

Eating lunch with BaBa

Feeding BaBa crackers

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