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Trip to China
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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Today was another busy day. We started the day with an international church service and then we were off to the Jade Factory, where we learned how jade is carved and how to determine quality in a piece of jade. The salesgirls all followed Holt around the store, touching his skin and hair and telling him how handsome he was. He’s going to miss having an entourage when he gets back to the states! After the jade factory we had a traditional Peking duck dinner at a very nice restaurant. Then it was on to the Great Wall, where Holt, Jamie and I managed to climb a pretty impressive distance before collapsing and deciding we’d had enough. Basically we climbed all the way to what appeared to be the top, stopped to admire the view and pat ourselves on the back, and then discovered there was more. MUCH more… so, we didn’t make it to the very top after all, it just kept going up and up and up. The tower you see at the top of the photo, we climbed to the very top of that tower. And then we looked out and realized there were several more levels behind the tower. MeMe and Pa amused themselves (and those around them!) while we climbed by trying on the Emperor and Empress’ costumes and taking photos. Don’t they look like Chinese royalty?
After our climb we went out to dinner and then went to see the Chinese acrobat show, which was very impressive but still failed to keep most of the group awake. We were all so exhausted that most of us dozed at least a few times during the show. Which was a shame since it really was an awesome show.
We found out that we will be leaving at 6:50 in the morning to take a train to Tianjin, where we will go directly to the orphanage to meet Maili. We will take her with us back to the hotel and check in after that. Hopefully we will have good luck with internet service in the new hotel so that we can post pictures after we get her. Thanks to all of those who have been sending us messages via the guest book, we have enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and look forward to hearing from you each day.

Holt is rubbing the jade Buddha hoping
for some good luck

Holt modeling his pendant he got
at the Jade Factory

When you're only halfway up you're
neither up nor down

Our last day as a family of three

The Emperor and his bride

View from the Great Wall

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