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We're Home
December 14, 2010  |  March 19, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dear Family and friends,

It’s been a long time since we last posted! We know that many of you enjoyed keeping up to date with our travels in China and many of you have requested an update on Grace’s progress. Well here it is, our latest and final update on this website.

There is so much we could say and it’s hard to know where to begin. I suppose I would sum up our feelings just by saying that we definitely gave her the right name - she is “Amazing Grace”. Adjectives we would use to describe her – feisty, determined, smart, stubborn, independent, funny – do you get the picture? She is THE BOSS of the house and certainly keeps us on our toes and we wouldn’t change a thing!!!

January 30th was a very special day for our family. It was Grace’s baptism and birthday. Family and friends were able to join us for this very touching occasion, and I shall never forget how quiet and calm Grace became when the “special water” was poured on her head.

She loves going to Ascension Pre-school – the teachers and other children have really embraced her and her idiosyncrasies – such as her obsession with doors and handles!!! She also attends a weekly playgroup for visually impaired children and loves it. There are only 4 children in the program so they all get lots of attention

Her favorite word continues to be “no”, which she says with enviable authority. “Bu” is Chinese for no and will say “Bu mama sing” when we are at church!!! She does enjoy church – thank goodness (!) –and loves to dance to the songs, but her favorite part of church is – you guessed it – opening and closing the door!!!

Regarding her eyesight – she continued to do well with her glasses and we feel that her eyes are definitely more stable with them on. Next week we seek a second opinion from an eye doctor in Tampa. We obviously want to be absolutely sure we are doing all that we can for her and we really want to get to the bottom of what is causing her apparent inability to see anything but light.

Before we sign off, we just want to thank all of you for your continued love and support to us and our beautiful daughter Grace. So much of our journey was made possible by your generosity and friendship. We hope you enjoy the pictures!

Love Mike, Margaret, and Grace

At school with Miss Pam

At the park

Family at home

Flower in my hair

Grace's Baptism

Lighthouse playgroup

On the big swing

Playing with daddy

My friend

Playing with leaves

Ready for my birthday

Youth group carols

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