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In China
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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ok, so I know I said we wouldn’t post until tomorrow, but we have some really cute pictures of Grace that we cannot resist sharing! Today began as usual at 6:30 with us waking ‘Rong Rong’ and she reached up with her usual ‘Ni Hao’. A trip to the Shanxi museum was on the itinerary this morning, so we, along with the other 2 American families, walked the 4 floors of the museum but stopped for longest at the display entitled “Grace, Liam and Elizabeth stop for a chat” (see pictures).

In the afternoon, Mike had the adventure of a trip to Walmart which is very unlike US Walmarts! He went with Terry from Georgia in a taxi and they managed the trip all on their own. Live frogs could be found in aisle 20…I went with Grace and Liam’s family to the indoor market and then she came back and enjoyed walking round in Baba’s shoes (Carrie – are these the kinds of shoes you had in mind when you offered to take her shoe shopping?!)

This evening we went to a Chinese equivalent of KFC and I broke out in spots! Thankfully they did not last. Grace enjoyed the sundry food items that came her way and was tired when we got back so no battles tonight over bedtime. Tomorrow we will not arrive in Guangzhou until late so no post (but you’ve heard me say that before!)

Love, Margaret and Mike ( Hope all our British friends are doing ok in the snow!)

Elizabeth, Liam and Grace in Shanxi museum

I even shared my cheerios with my new friends

The paparazzi are out in force

I can walk in daddy's shoes

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