August 19, 2010
We’ve been home for almost a month and what a difference we’ve
seen in our little empress! I’m happy to report that after about
6 days, Ava Marie was finally on “our time” which means she now
finally sleeps when it was actually dark, thank goodness for
that! She still tends to scream out for a bit even after she’s
fallen asleep in our arms and is transferred to her bed…baby
steps right?
Ava has experienced something new each and every day and we
still can’t believe she is really here to stay! The most amazing
and wonderful sight we see is how her big brothers watch over
her and take delight in making her laugh. Usually she is the one
making them laugh! Lex has especially stepped up and assumed the
protective big brother role. Jack is struggling a bit with the
fact that he is no longer the baby. He doesn’t want to be a
baby, but he still wants the attention of one.
Music is so therapeutic for Ava. Anytime she is upset or angry
we put on some dancing music and voila, her bad feelings
disappear and she immediately starts to dance! We’ve even been
starting a “dance party” in her room every morning with (I hate
to admit it) music from The Wiggles. She shakes her booty like
there is no tomorrow! It’s the cutest thing ever! We all just
dance and laugh and she is thrilled with all the attention she
gets! (Psttt. Daryl here, for the record- I’m at work, not
dancing to The Wiggles)
Ava really doesn’t care about cartoons or any sort of TV, but
she will sit still for short parts of the Wiggles or Yo Gabba
Gabba (which is another one I’m not thrilled with, but it
interests her and gets her dancing. I suppose the language
lesson is a bonus-yes contrary to the title the characters do
speak English:).
Ava has seen two pediatricians and has been a champ during each
appointment. She did need some more vaccinations, blood drawn,
and stool samples L. But, I’m happy to report all her blood work
and tests came out great. The only additional vaccination she
needs is her Heb B series. Her eye exam results were also a
success. On September 27th, Daryl and I will meet with her team
of doctors at Seattle Children’s Hospital to develop a surgery
plan to close her cleft palate and follow-up speech therapy. We
are hoping to have the main surgery done before the holidays.
The language barrier notwithstanding, Ava amazes us with what
she understands. She is constantly shaking her head “yes” or
“no” in response to questions. Yesterday I asked her to go get
her shoes, and without any signing or pointing, she simply
walked over to her shoes, picked them up and sat down next to
them until I came over to help her put them on. She will point
to her high chair when she is hungry (which is a lot!) and lets
you know with some sign language when she is done or wants more.
Ava has enjoyed some more firsts: her first swim in a lake,
first hike, first bike (trike) ride, wagon ride, zoo trip, swim
in Opa’s pool, hammock swing, sprinker run, water gun fight
(more the recipient here), first birthday party, summer concert
at the park, and many domestic “assists” too! So much for her
NOT being a sweet tooth. This girl now LOVES cake, chocolate,
and most all sweet fruit. Ice cream is a maybe, as long as it’s
soft or melted, she’ll eat it. She is a huge fan of blueberries.
I have to divide them up so that Jack doesn’t get too upset that
she is “getting ALL the blueberries.”
We are adding another first this weekend, and are taking Ava on
her first camping trip with friends that we camp with every
year. Next week, we are hoping to add her first Whale Watch boat
ride, and a new zoo we have never been to.
Thank you all again for your prayers, support and guestbook
entries, we truly appreciate all of these and can’t wait to
share this all with Ava when she gets older!
Michelle, Daryl, Lex, Jack and Ava |

The Lyman 5!

Crazy kids…

Lex helping his sister (without prompting!)

Our big girl!

Our first hike with Ava!
(She LOVES the dog, can you tell?)

I love my Opa! |