Monday, July 26, 2010
So happy to be home…and will be even happier when miss Ava
decides to sleep when we sleep!! We are getting there…slowly.
Our trip home went better than expected. Ava slept 9 hours with
1 break or 2, but was quiet for most of the first leg of trip
during the flight from Guangzhou to Los Angeles. Once we arrived
in LA, we had 2 hours to get through customs with our newest
little immigrant and get our luggage, re-check the luggage for
our domestic flight to Seattle…for some reason we thought that 2
hours would be enough time. Whoops. Well, we made our connecting
flight only because Daryl and I literally sprinted through LAX
with 4 suitcases, 4 carry-ons, and the little Empress. Thank God
for wheeled luggage carts! We were quite the sight to see
dodging other travelers, excusing ourselves, nervously keeping
an eye on the clock while Ava giggled with delight from the
luggage cart rack where you are supposed to store your briefcase
(yes, desperate times called for this when you are running and
have less than 30 minutes to catch your flight home!) After
pleading with a forgiving United Airlines agent, we found
ourselves with bags checked, cutting through security and
sprinting at top speed to get to our gate which had called our
names for last boarding and was about to close the gate until we
crossed that finish line. I cried with relief once we were in
our seats. So what if our luggage doesn’t make it, or we didn’t
get those Laker souvenirs for the boys or most importantly, new
snacks/dinner for Ava! We were on the plane home and would have
to manage with what we had. She did great on last leg until we
hit the ground in Seattle and the engine was turned off…she
wanted OFF that plane!
We were greeted by our boys, Lex and Jack, Grandma, Uncle Jerry,
Opa, friends Matt and Holly, all of whom, sacrificed some
precious sleep to welcome Ava Marie home. Lucky for us, 2 bags
made it, the other 2 would catch up with us 2 days later. We
were relieved to be home, and the boys were thrilled to be able
to stay up so late, Jack even announced that he wanted to see
the sun come up, but soon we retired.
Ava Marie is still adjusting to the new sleep schedule, and I’m
sure this will take sometime, I still cannot imagine what is
going through that little mind of hers…from her orphanage, to 3
different air conditioned hotels to this strange place where she
has a room to herself. Our boys have really taken to her and
love helping mommy take care of her (let’s hope this lasts!), as
she is growing quite fond of them as well. Ava has even warmed
up to our Yorkipoo, Orca, and he enjoys giving her kisses.
Yesterday Jerry, Daryl and I took the boys on a bus ride
downtown to catch a Mariners game against the Red Sox. The boys
really enjoyed having some 1 on 1 time with us, and we really
needed this time with them. Ava enjoyed the day at home with
Grandma who she has immediately bonded with, in fact I think she
will have some major withdrawals once Grandma leaves this
Wednesday! Last night Grandma baked a cake and we celebrated a
belated 2nd birthday to Ava Marie, her brothers helped her blow
out the candles. She didn’t care for the cake itself, but was
pleased with the attention she received and loved watching her
brothers buzz their horn blowers in her face.
Today we had our first play-date at a friend’s house and Ava
enjoyed wearing a tutu and dancing around to princess music with
her new friend, Victoria.
We have waited so long for this little one to join our family,
and now that she is here and experiencing all these new things
it just seems like I’m living in a dream. Well, maybe that is
due to the fact I’m not getting that much sleep too…J. Now I can
say I finally understand what other adoptive families meant when
they stated “it’s as if she’s always been with us, we couldn’t
imagine our family without our daughter.”
Enjoy the photos and we will post again soon! Ava has her 1st
post-adoption Dr. appointment this Friday and we will begin the
process to close her cleft palate. Again thanks for following us
on our amazing journey to Ava. We appreciate and cherish your
guestbook entries and will be able to share this with Ava when
she gets a little older. We will continue to post, so check back
Michelle, Daryl, Lex, Jack and our little empress, Ava Marie |

Last photo in The White Swan Hotel

Ava packed and ready to go!

This traveling thing ain't so bad...


I LOVE my Grandma!

Quality time with our boys |