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In China
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Today Conor turned 16! We got to sleep in since we didn't have any big plans today. We ate breakfast and said our goodbyes to some of the families that were leaving today. It was really sad to see them go. We came back to the room so that I could rest for a bit. I have a cough that I got from Hope. Poor girl was sick and I got it too from all the kisses. After resting a bit we headed back to the Subway and headed to the Chen Clan Academy.

Steve and I visited this during Zoe's adoption and wanted to see it again. It has a lot of interesting art work and sculptures. After we finished there we discovered an underground mall on accident while we were looking for a bathroom for Zoe.

Later I had to meet with everyone in the lobby to get our visa packets. Hope is officially ready to head back home. I got to say my goodbyes to the remaining families.

We then decided to venture out for Conor's birthday dinner. We found a restaurant finally after walking quite a distance. Noone spoke English and it was quite interesting communicating with the waiter. We eventually ordered several plates of dumplings. We thought each plate would have only a few but all seven plates had over ten dumplings on them. We were stuffed.

We took the leftovers with us and Conor gave one container to a homeless man near Mcdonalds. He was so happy to see the food.

Hope continues to adjust well. She still prefers her Mama but I know that will change. She is really smart and already can point to several body parts that we ask her. She alsor can point to her mama, baba and brothers and sister when asked. She gives kisses to me quite frequently (hence why I got the cough). She also loves her stroller and crys when we take her out of it. We can't wait for you all to meet her she is pretty precious!

Zoe says HI to all her classmates and says she misses you all and can't wait to come back to school!

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