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In China
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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Today was our Consulate appointment to apply for Hope's visa for her Chinese passport. She will become an American citizen as soon as she gets off the plane in Seattle! Just Steve, myself and Hope went to the appointment. It took almost two hours for all the families to complete the paperwork and take the oath.

Then we returned back to the hotel and got the other kids. We did some shopping and then ate at Mcdonalds. Yes Mcdonald's we finally gave in to the kids plea to have a little taste of something familiar.

This evening we met up with the rest of the Holt families and did the Pearl river cruise. The Pearl river is the third longest river in China. When we got to the place we had pizza waiting for us. We scarfed it down before we even got on the boat. The boat was a dragon boat and had three levels. We ate on tables on the second level and then went up top for pictures.

The kids have made some pretty special friends here and are going to be sad when they have to say goodbye to some of them tomorrow. We have also really enjoyed getting to know all the other families!

Chase wanted to answer the questions for his class:

Rigo: I liked meeting my sister Hope and the Safari Zoo!

Isreal: Because they think it's cold here and they think I will catch a cold

Peyton: The noodles are my favorite food

Macy: My favorite thing to do with Hope is hold her and blow bubbles with her.


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